Great Goblin: "I know that sword! It is the Goblin-Cleaver, the Biter, the blade that sliced a thousand necks."

As he speaks, Grinnah and the rest of the Goblins begin whipping the dwarves with ropes and leaping upon them, biting and slashing.I got a few slashes to my back and arm's.

Great Goblin: "Slash them! Beat them! Kill them! Kill them all! Cut off his head!"

Goblins hold Thorin down, and one of them pulls out his knife and prepares to behead Thorin.

Me: "No! Thorin!"

I got a hold of my bow and arrows,then I shot a arrow in the goblins head before he could kill Thorin.Which I got another slash to my arms again.Suddenly there was an explosion and when we looked up we saw Gandalf standing there.

Gandalf: "Take up arms! Fight! Fight!"

We picked up weapons and started to fight.

Gandalf: "Follow me. Quick! Run!"

Cutting down the goblins around us, we followed Gandalf and he ran along a pathway leading away from the throne room.

Gandalf: "Quickly!"

Thorin: "Faster!"

Dwalin sees several goblins running at them from in front.

Dwalin: "Post!"

Him and some of the others cut a guardrail post from the side of the path and they hold it out in front of them like a massive spear.

Dwalin: "Charge!"

We charged at the oncoming goblins and sweep them away with the long rail. Dropping the rail, Dwalin pulls out his axes and begins knocking aside goblins. The rest of us do the same. Gloin hits one goblin who falls and lands on another suspended path, breaking the path and dropping all the goblins on it into the darkness below. The rest of us also fight the goblins around them with their various weapons and fighting styles. Several goblins snarl as they swing on ropes toward the us.

Thorin: "Cut the ropes!"

Thorin and some of the company cut the ropes holding a raised platform in place, the platform falls outward, entangling the goblins swinging on the ropes. As Kili fights, several goblins start shooting arrows at him. He deflects some arrows with his sword; he then grabs a nearby ladder and drops it on the oncoming goblins. Kili and some of the other dwarves run forward, pushing the ladder and the goblins it has trapped in front of them. As they approach a missing area of the path, the goblins fall down into the darkness; the ladder, however, acts as a bridge for the dwarves to cross to the rest of the path. As soon as they cross it, Dwalin breaks the ladder, preventing the goblins chasing them from crossing it.

Gandalf: "Quickly!"

We continue running through the maze-like paths; they get on a section of the path suspended by ropes from above. They slice some ropes, and the pathway swings away from the rest of the path, approaching a different path.

Thorin: "Jump!"

Several of the us manage to jump to the other path; however, before the rest can, the suspended path swings back like a pendulum to where it started, and several goblins leap on. As the path swings back again, the rest of the dwarves and Gandalf manage to jump to the new path as well; they cut the ropes, causing the swinging path and the goblins on it to fall. Then we followed Gandalf and continue running through the tunnels, killing all the goblins in their way. Gandalf strikes a rock above them with his staff, causing the rock to fall down and begin rolling in front of the us, squashing all the goblins in their way. Soon, we approach a bridge between two walls of the cavern. As they try to cross it, the Great Goblin suddenly breaks through from underneath the bridge and pulls himself up onto the bridge, in front of us. As we all pauses, hundreds of goblins approach them from all sides.I was getting so tired of running.

Great Goblin: "You thought you could escape me?"

The Great Goblin swings his mace twice causing Gandalf to stumble back and almost fall.

Great Goblin: "What are you going to do now, wizard?"

Gandalf leaps forward and strikes the Great Goblin in the eye with his staff. The Great Goblin drops his mace and clutches his face in pain.

Great Goblin: "Ow, ow, ow!"

Gandalf steps forward and slices the Great Goblin in the belly; the Great Goblin falls to his knees, clutching his belly.

Great Goblin: "That’ll do it."

Gandalf again swings his sword and slices the Great Goblin’s neck, causing him to fall down dead.But his weight was to much and we all fell.I landed on some of our friends and I still consider myself lucky because I fell on my back.It still hurt because of my injuries but my babies are still alive.That's all that matters,I felt strong arm's help me up.

Thorin: "Come on,love."

I get up with his help, I wrapped my arms around his waist.

Bofur: "Well that could have been worse."

I jumped when the ground shakes,I looked and saw the Great Goblins body and fallen onto the other's.

Dwalin: "Oh, you've got to be joking!"

Kili: "Gandalf!"

He pointed up and saw hundreds of goblins coming after us.

Gandalf: "Only one thing can save us.Daylight, quickly!"

We ran until we were outside.I took a seat and had Oin look at me.

Thorin: "Is she going to be ok?"

Oin: "Aye, she'll be alright."

Thorin: "And our babes?"

He smiled.

Oin: "Aye, they are just fine."

I looked up and saw Thorin coming over to me.He kissed my lips then my stomach.

Thorin's Lost Love(Thorin Oakenshield love story)Where stories live. Discover now