Chapter 24

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Slowly scrambling out of my bed, I pressed my ear to the door, trying to pick any sounds from other side. Two minutes later, when I'd confirmed that I was indeed alone in the house, I slowly twisted the lock on my door and stepped out. My eyes immediately travelling to Hunter's room, which was locked again, meaning that he was out again, doing God knows what. I made a mental note to grill him on later.

Having texted Matthew all night long, I had gone to sleep later than usual. The fact that I had slept late didn't account for me sleeping in because I had woken up earlier than usual with a pounding headache. I couldn't go back to sleep anymore.

Making my way down the stairs, I walked inside the kitchen, taking note of the dirty dishes that weren't washed in the sink. Rolling my eyes, I pulled out a bowl from the cupboard and added some cereals in it. I was starving, courtesy to the fact that I'd skipped dinner yesterday with hopes of not running into Dale. Quickly gulping down my breakfast, I looked out the front window, sighing as I saw the nice and bright weather outside.

I washed the bowl placing it back in the cupboard before running up the stairs to my room. Considering that it was my day off today and I didn't want to be cooped inside my room all day, I spontaneously decided to just randomly take a walk somewhere.

Pulling on a pair of faded jeans and a casual t-shirt, I looked at myself in the mirror trying to decide how much I needed to work on myself before stepping out of the house, looking presentable. The bags under my eyes could be covered by concealer. Check. The pale cheeks could be given some colour by some blush. Check. My hair was a mess too and I was in no mood to tame it. Deciding to just hide it under a beanie, I took in my appearance now. I looked okay. Presentable.

Locking the front door, I stepped off the porch, pulling my beanie down my head. I took a deep breath, relishing the fresh air around me. Randomly walking in a direction, I sighed, disappointed that the weather was so good, but I'm not able to enjoy it as my mind was filled with so many thoughts.

Two days later and my mind was still reeling with everything I'd learnt when I'd confronted Dale. She played me a fool. She knew how much I'd trusted her, how much I'd valued our friendship and conveniently used it against me. I cannot believe she betrayed my trust without even blinking an eye.

Saying that I was frustrated didn't even cover how I felt right now.

I'd known Dale practically half my life and there has been not a day in my life where we'd not talked to each other, but here we are, hiding from each other, staying in our respective rooms till the other leaves the house in order to avoid each other as much as we can.

When I felt like I've had enough of fresh air, I decided that my walk for today was enough and that I needed to get home back to the safety and warmth of my bed. My legs stopped moving on their own, and I frowned looking around realizing just now with a start that I had wandered off randomly and had absolutely no idea on where I was right now or how to get back home.

Pulling out my phone, I switched on the GPS, trying to locate the way I needed to go back home as I started walking in the direction that I'd come from. I had a long walk back home, that much I can already tell.


Surprised, since there was no way someone could've known me in the posh neighborhood that I was walking through right now; I put a hand to my chest, clutching at my phone tightly. Letting out a yelp, I whirled around to face whoever had called me. There he stood, with an amused smile plastered to his face.

"Jesus Christ, Nick!" I pushed at his arm, shaking my head at him as my heart went crazy, "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"I didn't sneak up on you!" he chuckled, "You were just so immersed into your phone that you didn't hear me calling you."

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