Chapter 21

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All through my life, I have hated surprises. I hated my mom taking me to the carnival as a surprise – I fell off a ride and hurt my ankle, limping for the next two weeks. I didn't like Alana surprising me with my favorite concert tickets – it was the same time as my senior class trip – something that I couldn't miss, so I had to begrudgingly miss the concert. I hated when my brother surprised me by showing up at our home when he was supposed to be at the cinemas – I had been making out with Logan when he had barged inside my room – it had been awkward between us for the next two months. I hated when my favorite History teacher announced surprise pop quizzes in school, I barely passed it every time. I had hated the surprising call that I had got from Finn when I was away in college, as he never calls me; I had surely hated that call more than anything else in my life.

I didn't like surprises. I didn't fare well with them. I liked to plan everything and tended to avoid surprises jumping in my way.

That being said, you could imagine my surprise when I show up at work two days after Nicholas had showed up at my house, unannounced and see the man in question silently sitting at one of the booths, working on his laptop, looking completely out of place. His crisp pressed suit, his perfectly styled hair, his concentrated look as he typed something on his laptop against the warm, homey café everything was wrong about this picture.

Frowning to myself, I placed the small bad that I had carried behind the counter and punched in, as I removed the scarf from around my neck. The weather had become considerably cold outside. I was sure my cheeks and nose already looked pinched by the chillness outside. Rubbing my glove clad hands together, I walked in the direction of the booth he was sitting at, smiling at Skylar when I passed her. She gave me a curious look, her eyes travelling between me and Nicholas. She and everyone in this café knew everything was on pause between us, so she must be curious as to what he was doing here. Shrugging at her, I walked forward.

"Don't even think about it," Rebecca hissed, pulling me back before I could go to Nicholas and ask him what the hell he was doing here.

I blinked at her, trying to get my arm free of her grip. Her nails were digging into my skin. I was worried she was going to puncture it and draw blood, "What?"

"The last time you sabotaged my chance with him, this time you're not going anywhere near him," her eyes narrowed, but thankfully the grip she had on my arms loosened and I pulled my hand away.

"You're such an ungrateful person," Skylar said nonchalantly, jumping over the counter to reach where I and Rebecca were standing, "The last time you did something stupid and you were hair widths close to getting fired because of your actions, she helped you. If Hayley hadn't stepped in and got Mr. Manhattan to back off, you'd be sitting at home without a job right now, don't forget that."

"Hey, Selena," Rebecca scoffed, unhappy that Skylar had taken my side, "Butt out and mind your business."

"Huh, Selena and Skylar are two names so different from each other." She mocked.

Rebecca frowned, not getting what she was actually saying but then shrugged, "I know."

I had to mask a laugh into a cough, shaking my head at her, "Look, Nicholas is here to meet me. We can have this argument some other time."

"He's here to see you? Yeah, right," she clicked her tongue, giving me a look that said she didn't believe me.

"Rebecca, stop being stupid, you're just proving the point that you have no brains," Sky rolled her eyes, "They're sort of dating."

"I'm not stupid," Rebecca snapped, glaring at my friend, "I don't believe yo-"

"Hayley, baby!"

I turned just in time to see Nicholas walking towards me, a big grin on his face. In two large steps he reached me and took me into his arms, his body swallowing me whole as he hugged me. I froze, my mind going blank; his actions catching me off guard.

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