Chapter 20

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"Well, you look like shit," James commented, signalling for Kate to order something else for him, considering that he had inhaled four coffees already, I hope he wasn't going to order another coffee.

I was on my every day break, an untouched, steaming cup of hot chocolate in front of me. I was so tired with everything, hoping to God that I would somehow get a break. Ever since my visit to the hospital with my brother, I had gotten little to no sleep.

The visit to her hospital room had already messed up my peace of mind. In addition to that, I had gotten a call from Finn that evening, telling me that there was no improvement in Alana's state and that her brain was still pushing her deep into the comatose state.

"Didn't get much sleep," I muttered, looking up at my best friend and giving him a strained smile.

When James had come here about an hour ago, he was here to talk. He wanted to get a lot of things out of his chest. I had patiently listened to him rant, assuring him that things would be fine, giving him the moral support that he seems to have needed.

James had been furious with Nicholas when he first came in. Nicholas had told him that things between me and him are on hold for now and that we weren't dating anymore. Paige had understood how frustrating and heavy Nicholas' situation should be like and had also understood why he didn't want to add another relationship to the mess and confuse his life more. James on the other hand though, was mad. He had thought that our relationship was going somewhere and to suddenly have it all go nowhere, not to mention, I was the only girl that Nicholas dated that he actually approved of – his words – made him upset. I had to assure him that some things take time to evolve and even though we weren't together now, maybe in the future when the timing was more appropriate we might get back. I had told that only to appease him, not that I was expecting Nicholas at my doorstep anytime soon.

He sighed, reaching forward to take my hand in his, "Is there anything that I can do to help, anything at all?"

"You being here for me is more than enough, James," I smiled at him, squeezing his hand, "Your moral support is more than what I need right now."

He squeezed my hand back before gently letting it go. "If at all you need anything, you know how to reach me."

"I do."

Kate walked to the both I was sitting and smiled at James, taking his order. "Your order will be here in another few minutes." She said as she left.

Once she was out of ear shot, James turned to look at me, "Is it just me or it felt like she has gone back to avoiding you."

I sighed. "It's not just you."

"What happened?"

"I don't know, James," I ran a hand down my face, "I just asked her something and she completely flipped out."


"And, what?" I grumbled, "With everything happening these past few days, I didn't have the time to revisit that conversation and figure out what went wrong."

"Okay, let me see if I'm of any help," he rubbed his hands together, leaning forward, "Tell me what happened. Tell me everything."

I gave in trying to argue and started telling him, "So, a few weeks ago, I asked Kate why won't she make a move on Skylar if she liked her and-"

"Wait. Kate likes Skylar?"

"Yes. And Skylar feels the same way. Now stop interrupting me."

"Sorry," he raised both his hands up in surrender and motioned for me to continue.

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