Chapter 5

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I stomped my way out of the huge MBT office building, my entire body shaking with anger. Who the hell did he think he was? God knows how much I had to control myself in order to not reach across the table and punch his pretty face. I tell you, it was a huge feat for me to not do that. Normally, I am not used to withholding my anger from anyone. Anyone who had made me mad would definitely face my wrath.

Mr. Cornwall, the man who had been giving me polite smiles when I first entered Nicholas' office was the one who had travelled down the elevator with me. He sent me a smile, but even the manners and politeness that mom had taught me couldn't make a fake smile appear on my face; all I sent him back was a scowl. It was now safe to say that the man was frightened of me.

I received weird looks from the people inside that building when they saw me storming out of the place as well, but at the moment I did not care. All I cared at the moment was to get home as quickly as possible and stuff my hungry stomach with a tub of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream; I hadn't had the time to eat breakfast.

Hailing a cab, I messaged Dale, telling her that I was on my way home and that when she got home in the evening, I had a lot of screaming at and cursing someone to do. She would understand why I would want to do that. She would know the meaning behind my every single action.

After paying the cab driver for driving me to my place, I thanked him before getting out of his cab and heading towards my house, my hands fisting into a ball. I so badly wanted to punch something, or someone.

Walking up the porch steps of the house, I frowned when I realized that the spare key that we normally keep below the doormat was missing and that the TV was switched on in the living room. I let out a huff, knowing very well from the sound of football cheers that were heard all the way to the outside of the house that it was Brody who had entered our house without our knowledge and was watching a football match on our TV, sitting on our couch without our permission - not that he needed any permission from us, he was always welcome to parade into our house and do as he pleased because he was the one and only boyfriend of Dale.

I let out a huff and knocked onto the door, making sure to slam my fisted hand onto the door extra loudly. Hissing, I brought my hand back to my chest and cradled it because I had momentarily forgotten that it would sting to beat down that damn door.

"Coming!" Brody called from inside the house before I heard his footsteps coming closer to the main door.

I pulled my now red hand back and hid it behind me; I know that if Brody saw it, he wouldn't let me live it down and would tease me about how I was brainless and how I had hit a door knowing very well that it would hurt my hand and would never hurt the door.

I watched with a scowl as Brody unlocked the door and cracked it open just an inch to see who had knocked the door. When he saw that it was just me, he sighed. Rolling his eyes at me, he opened the door fully and looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "Don't you look all dressed up."

"Move," I said, glaring at him, completely ignoring his statement.

Brody rolled his eyes at me again, "I thought you had an interview to go to."

I felt my anger coming back at me in full force at the mention of that interview and my scowl deepened, "Don't ask."

"Alright," he shrugged and gave me a defeated look as if he was surrendering to me without having a fight and stepped away from the door, motioning for me to get inside.

I did without any question and didn't wait for him to close the door and walk with me to the living room. I stormed my way to the living room and glared at the television for making a lot of noise in the otherwise silent house. Brody silently walked to the couch and picked up the remote, lowering the sound of all the chants and shouting.

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