Fifty Two

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You were currently walking through campus, reading over and double checking your homework for your upcoming class, not really paying much attention to your surroundings.

"I have rights! Let me go! Let me go! Now!"

You looked up, looking around for the source of the current screaming. Eunmi was currently being walked out of the uni building by school officials. Her arms and legs kicking and flaring around as she did so.

She suddenly made eye contact with you, a harsh glare immediately thrown your way. "You bitch! You did this, huh? You were the one who told everyone! How else would people know!—I'll kill you!"

You winced, taking a step back as she jumped fairly close to you before being grasped once again by the administration team.

"What?" You stared confusingly at her back side as she was dragged away.

You had no clue what she was talking about? You'd literally just got to school. Eunmi was the least of your worries!

"Eh, don't worry about her." Jimin, Taehyung's friend said as he appeared next to you. "She is being kicked out of the school for some pretty wild things. I'm sure you'll be hearing about it all soon."

"Yeah, I always knew she was a bit of a wild thing, but what she did—was far more wild than a lot of the bullshit she has done." Hoseok said as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, bringing you into a bro hug.

You'd gotten a bit closer to Tae's friend group over the weeks. They were a pretty good group and you enjoyed their company.

Suddenly Hoseok's arm was playfully yanked off you, and you were pulled back into someone's chest.

"Hands off my girl." Taehyung said as he leaned in placing a quick kiss on your cheek, "I love you guys, but she's off limits."

You smiled at your boyfriends words before turning and placing a quick kiss on his lips, "Guys, as much as I'd love to chat about whatever mess Eunmi is in, I'm late for my class. Bye." You quickly ran off, turning around to scream, "I love you Tae!"

Jimin and Hoseok immediately poking fun at their friend for being super whipped for his girlfriend.


Tae 💘:
Can you believe what happened to Eunmi?

Honestly, I seen it coming.

Tae 💘:
Babe, that's mean. 🤣

It's no surprise that she got caught sleeping with a professor! I'm sorry to say but I'm happy things turned out this way, finally she won't be bothering us anymore.

Tae 💘:
She was kicked off campus and not allowed to study here anymore.

Why would she even risk her education like that? Also, the professor isn't even hot!

Tae 💘:
So if the professor was hot, it would have been okay?

Ew—no, still not okay. But if this professor was you—maybe then I'll think about it.

Tae 💘:
You're bad. I miss you and I'm glad that Jungkooki is thinking of forgiving Areum, I still don't want anything to do with her though.

Maybe you should forgive her too? For me?

Tae 💘:
Why should I?

Because if Jungkook forgives her, who knows maybe one day he'll date her again and I don't want things to be awkward between any of you.

Tae 💘:
Okay, I'll forgive her for you but I want something from you in return.

What could you want from me Mr Kim?

Tae 💘:
Hmm, I'll have to get it in person.

Is it what I'm thinking it is?

Tae 💘:
Yes, I'm sure it's that.

Is that all you see me as? Someone to fulfill your needs?

Tae 💘:
It's not my fault you make the best brownies! They're so good baby, make me some, hmm?

Fine! If you forgive Areum, I'll make you the brownies.

Salt and Vinegar chips are often overlooked, but they're lowkey elite.

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