Chapter 8 - Dan

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Waking up to the view of Alice's sleeping face is definitely in contention for being the Tenth Wonder of the World, and knowing that I have the pleasure of looking at her for the rest of my life makes me feel truly special. She is a goddess in every right, and I'm sure a painter could make a fortune of they managed to portrait of her current beauty. However, the beautiful naked woman that is peacefully asleep on my chest is the buried treasure at the depths of the Caribbean, and nobody on the face of the Earth has the right to search for its bounty.

I greet the good morning glow that is very faintly reflecting onto Alice's white skin by planting a warm kiss on the woman's forehead. The smile she had when she fell asleep is still quietly resting on her lips, for she hasn't moved a muscle since the two of us finished our first experience together. Her skin still tastes of the pleasures of last night, and it rings a soft bell in the depths of my heart. As a human being, as a man, and as a lover, nothing could ever make me as happy as the situation I am in now.

Alice's body is only barely covered by her bedsheets despite my best effort to help her keep warm at night, and that may be because I tend to toss and turn around in bed. Fortunately, as I look upon the soft curve of Alice's ass protruding from the warm blanket, my desire to make her the happiest woman in the planet rises anew and all the love for her that I have kept tightly close to my heart is finally realized to be worth it. Maybe a dream can really come true.

Before I can reach in and groom Alice's long and angelic silver hair, the doorbell rings rather suddenly. It startles me just enough to retract my hand from Alice's direction, for waking her up with a sudden jolt of pain is definitely not something I would wish to explain to her. Alice has already gone through enough in the span of a week, so she deserves some good rest in order to rejuvenate herself. Considering that last night she was barely even able to move or speak, I'm sure there was much more than a concussion she was dealing with.

I roll myself out of bed, making sure to keep the sleeping beauty stable as I maneuver around. I neatly cover her up with the blanket in case the person who rang the doorbell happens to be a houseguest, but but before I kindly seal and cushion her up, I treat Alice to yet another kiss on the forehead. Every time my lips come in contact with her skin, everything tingles for a moment before it starts aching; begging to get another taste of her beauty. If I wanted, I could curl back up and ignore the door just to get back to Alice.

Nevertheless, I answer the door now that I am at least wearing the clothes I had on before Eliza and Alice went to the pool with me yesterday. Immediately, I cup my hand over my eye to get used to the harsh mid-morning sunlight as I try to make out the figure that is standing on Alice's front porch. It takes a while for me to adjust, but I can very faintly see a figure standing just before me. I recognize her quite easily.

"Good morning!" Eliza chuckles, seeming to have calmed down quite considerably from last night.

She is dressed quite casually, for she is wearing a rather thin sweater and rather attractive pair of work-out shorts. Sure, I may have been with her at the pool, seen her around at school, and went shopping with her, but I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've seen Eliza look so comfortable. The look fits her, and it fits her even more than the extremely frilly swimsuit I picked out for her for her birthday party. In actuality, this toned down look is her sort of vibe.

Eliza leans against the doorframe so she can catch her breath. As she somewhat topples over, I notice the sun glimmer from the sweat on her skin. It is still extremely early, for the weather is chilly enough to warrant a sweater, but I can still see the glow from Eliza's neck and forehead. She is extremely active, but I guess one has to be if they are in contention of being an Olympic-grade athlete in the future. Despite that, Eliza seems to be breathing quite heavily anyways. Her condition causes me to think on my feet.

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