Chapter 38: Lessons and Immunity

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The Inquisition had been on the road for weeks. Tensions through the ranks were high at first as they marched slowly down the snow-covered peaks of Frost Back Mountains only to trudge through the frigid terrain of Emprise Du Lion. However, the moment they made their way to the warmer and easier ventured terrain of the Exalted Plains, tensions began to ease and morale began to rise. They crossed The Heartlands, entering Orlais territory when excitement began to spread like wildfire. With only days out from their destination, they all began to yearn for the taste of battle. Every night their camp would be lit with hundreds of campfires, surrounded by men and women telling stories of their greatest achievements. Others would train or indulge in drink, easing their minds of the uncertainty of what's to come.

Ellen walked through the encampment with Fenris at her side, checking on those she could, making certain everyone was adequately prepared for what awaited them. Once satisfied they made their way back to their headquarters at the head of camp. When they arrived, Cullen, Varric, Gallevorn, Sera, and Bull were sitting before the fire in the center of their shared tents, talking details of what was to come. "I think it wise to save the calvary till the Arbor Wilds were the battle is sure to be more difficult. This second base will be a small skirmish at best, we most likely won't even need to use half of our men." Cullen said.

"I agree with the shemlen, perhaps we use my people." Gallevorn suggested.

"Hey what about the Chargers? They're dying to get in on some action!" Bull bellowed.

"I don't give a flying hart shite who helps, as long as I get to put some arrows through the asses of some baddies I'm all in!" Sera piped in.

Cullen looked up to see Ellen and Fenris had returned. "What do you think Inquisitor?"

She took the seat beside him, thinking over the details to what she had heard. "I think you're right. Save the cavalry, but I think we should take one company along with the Chargers and the clan, leaving the rest on standby, just incase this turns out to be more than we anticipated."

Cullen smiled, giving her a tight nod. "I couldn't have said it better myself, Inquisitor."

Suddenly they were all distracted by Dorian as he walked toward them, flailing his arms wildly, swatting at the pestering insects that swarmed around him. "Koffas! Why must every mission we embark on take place in such uncivilized conditions? Would it kill these mad men to reside in a grand palace? Perhaps even offer us a delicious five course meal with some fine wine before trying to take our lives?" He huffed, taking a seat next to Bull.

Bull smiled, shaking his head with a light chuckle. "Where's your sense of adventure Kadan?"

"My sense of adventure was left back home with Josephine in civility." He huffed.

"Aw, come now Sparkles, it's not that bad. Here I know what'll make you happy, how about we make this trip more interesting with a little wager?" Varric suggested. Enticed by his offer everyone perked up, looking to him intently when a wry smile spread across his lips. "I knew that would get everyone's attention." He laughed.

"Well spit it out!" Sera bellowed impatiently.

Varric took the coin purse from his hip and held it out before him, everyone's eyes grew wide with anticipation. "In this pouch is fifteen gold sovereigns. When we reach the Western Approach and the battle begins we will keep a tally of those that fall to us. Whoever puts down the most men, wins the pot." Sera kicked her feet with excitement when Varric eyed her. "I'll be watching you Buttercup, no cheating."

"Wha? I don't need to cheat when offing baddies comes with a prize! That gold is as good as mine!" She squealed.

"I believe you are mistaken Sera, I'm absolutely certain it is my name I see etched on that heavy coin purse." Dorian sighed, wearing an arrogant smirk.

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