Chapter 43: Events that Change the World

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Six months had passed and peace had soared over Thedas once again. The battle against The Blood Tail Marauders had already began to dilute into a tale of Inquisition heroes that died valiantly, taking a stand against slavery and oppression. Cassandra and the Seekers joined the Inquisitions forces as fast stead allies, giving them an even stronger military backing for any trials that might present themselves. However, even with all the preparation they had made, nothing could prepare any of them for the trial they faced on this day.

Cullen and Tomlen sat on a bench, watching Fenris rake his fingers through his hair as he paced back and forth before the infirmary door. His heart beat rapidly in his chest, his breathing uneven as he fought against the ache that flared in his lower stomach. Every shrilling scream of pain he heard leave the room crippled him, physically as well as emotionally. With their blood bond still intact he was able to feel everything she was...everything.

Feeling the muscles in his stomach begin to tighten once again he froze when suddenly he hurled over with gnashing teeth. Sweat beaded across his brow as he growled through the pain when another scream echoed behind the door. He pushed forceful breaths through puffed cheeks, trying to collect himself. Once the pain eased he was unable to contain his worry any longer and he stormed for the door. "I wouldn't do that if I were you Broody." Varric said, walking up with Gallevorn at his side. "There's a reason men are not allowed in the room during childbirth. Believe me, you do not want to see what is going on in there." He shivered.

"I have seen the birth of babes many times, I don't understand the unease you shemlen have with the miracle of life. It's a beautiful occasion." Gallevorn huffed, shaking his head.

"Yea, miracle, sure...if that's what you want to call it. Who knew the miracle of life could create such a mess with bodily fluids both common and unrecognizable." Varric scoffed.

"Could you please keep that part to yourself Varric, I'm having a hard enough time keeping my lunch down as it is." Cullen gagged, dropping his head between his knees while Tomlen pat him on the back lightly. "I was unfortunate to have seen the birth of one of my nephews before I left for Ferelden circle." He said, looking into the distance with a shiver when he turned to Fenris. "If you do not wish to take Varric's word for it then take mine, you do not want to go in there Fenris."

Heeding their warnings Fenris turned from the door when he lurched forward and grasped his stomach, releasing a painful cry. They all reached out to him when they heard a blood curdling scream radiate from the infirmary. "She seems to be pushing towards the stage of crowning." Gallevorn said, looking to the door with a smile. "Once she reaches that stage it is only a matter of time."

Cullen gagged into a closed fist. "That's the worst part." He sighed, his shoulders shaking slightly.

Fenris was preparing himself to break down the door when Dorian sashayed his was toward them with Bull at his back. He smirked at Fenris, placing a hand on his shoulder. "How are you faring Moody?" He asked with the slightest concern glinting over his features.

Fenris gripped at his stomach, feeling another contraction begin to build its way through his groin. "Terrible." He growled through gritted teeth.

Dorian smiled, releasing a small chuckle. "As I suspected. However this is incredibly fascinating, no male has ever been able to experience the true labors of childbirth, you must allow me to question you further when all is said and done, for knowledge sake of course."

"This is not the time for your poor taste in curiosity mage! Ellen is in excruciating pain and I tend to see her through it safely." He hissed, making his way to the door a second time when Dorian grabbed him by the shoulders to stop him.

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