Chapter 21: Love, Duty, and Wagers

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The trip was a huge success, with their newly acquired alliances everything was  beginning to come together, well, almost everything. While plans for the Inquisition were falling into place, Ellen's personal affairs were a different story. Cullen had hardly spoken a word to anyone since the night of the ball. When they got back on the road he would ride ahead of the group barking orders, cutting back on the amount of rest breaks they could take. They all felt like they were soldiers under his command, being punished for breaking curfew. At night he would barricade himself in his tent without a word to anyone, Ellen was beginning to think he would never accept their engagement. How could something that brought her so much joy, bring him so much grief? She felt horrible for keeping such a secret from him, he was a brother to her, she cared about him, respected him, she only wished for him to be happy for her.

    Fenris noticed Ellen deep in thought, he knew the Commanders stubbornness and sour attitude was getting her. He could understand why she was upset, but he understood Cullen's feelings as well. He knew Cullen only wished to protect her, to keep her safe. He pulled his horse beside Ellens as she stared down at her hands, holding the reigns loosely through her fingers when he gently took her hand in his, breaking her train of thought. She looked at him with a sad smile. "It is okay Fea'mir, he just needs time." He said, squeezing her hand lightly, reassuring her.

    "I know Emma lath. I'm sorry for seeming so down it's just, Cullen is important to me. It would mean a lot if he were happy for us."

    "He will be, and if not, then I will make him."

    "And how do you plan to do that?"

    "I have my ways. Do not worry, he will live." He said giving her a devious smirk.

    "Brute force won't get you everything Emma lath." She chuckled.

    "Sure it will, if enough is applied." He said as she looked at him unimpressed when they both burst into laughter.

    Dorian pulled up beside them yawning, rubbing his face roughly. "Ugh! I can't take this any longer! I'm tired, hungry, my ass hurts from this saddle, I need a break, but Maker forbid the tyrant let anyone rest there weary frames!" Dorian shouted toward Cullen.

    "We are making excellent time. If we keep this up we should reach Skyhold before nightfall." Fenris said as they all sighed with relief.

    "Praise the Maker! Wait a second, Skyhold, Cullen knows! I'm going to lose thirty silver!" Dorian whined. Ellen and Fenris glanced at each other, rolling their eyes. "What am I going to do? I can't lose to Bull, AGAIN! Not to mention losing to that vile cretin, Sera! Could you imagine?" He shivered away the thought.

    "Perhaps you could persuade Cullen to join the bet with you." Fenris suggested.

    "You mean lie and cheat?" He gasped, practically offended by the thought.

    "Why do you seem shocked? Is that not what got you into this predicament in the first place? Look at it as securing your dignity, unless you never want to live down the fact you lost to, Sera." Fenris said with a low chuckle.

    "You are an evil, evil elf, you know that?" Dorian eyed him.

    "Well, it's that or the truth Dorian." Ellen piped in.

     Dorian thought to himself for a moment before trotting to Cullen's side. "My dear sweet Commander, a word?"

    "No Dorian, we are not stopping for a break."

    "Of course not, that is not why I am here. I have a proposition for you. How would you like to make fifteen silver?"

    Cullen kept his eyes forward, but he couldn't help but feel intrigued. "I'm listening."

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