Chapter 28: Knowledge and Tricks

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Fenris and Ellen woke with their minds at ease and their souls replenished. They rolled around in bed lazily, mingling, unable to keep their hands off each other. They would work one another up while taking careful study of the emotions flooding through them. They relished in them. After much time of learning and comparing their findings they finally got up and got ready for the day. After breakfast at the tavern they walked past the training yard when they saw Cullen and Bull standing to the side, watching Dorian train the mages. With their interests peaked they walked toward them, standing beside a chuckling Bull. The mages stood in a straight line, facing their targets, practicing shots of ice, fire, and lightening. They were decent enough, but definitely needed help in proper technique.

"Maker's breath, I thought I was a tyrant when it came to training my men." Cullen scoffed.

"Yes, Kadan is a harsh teacher, I almost pity them. If I were one of them I would have punched him in that sexy pout of his by now." Bull sighed.

"Interesting, I would pay good coin to see that." Fenris smirked, crossing his arms with a nod.

They continued to observe when Dorian burst toward his recruits, waving his hands from side to side. "No, no, no you imbeciles! How many times must I show you? Lean into your attacks, only pull back if your being pursued. Are you being pursued? No! Your firing at little wooden swordsman! Who by the way are doing much better at their job than the lot of you!" He huffed, rolling his eyes when Ellen caught the corner of his eye. "Ah! Ellie, just who I need, come, come, come." He waved her over excitedly.

She smiled, looking up to Fenris eagerly when he pulled her close by the waist and whispered in her ear. "Give him hell." With a kiss on the cheek and a firm pat on her bottom he sent her on her way.

She stretched her arms above her head as she walked toward him, feeling excited to finally get some training in, it had been too long. Once she stood beside Dorian he gave her a quick wink before turning back to face the mages. "We will be practicing wards and since you've proven yourselves to know absolutely nothing, allow me to enlighten you." He said, adjusting his sleeves with a condescending tone. "Wards are a defense to shield yourself from magic meant to harm you. I'm sure this will benefit you all greatly since your combat magic is next to useless, this exercise will hopefully keep you alive." He scoffed, turning to Ellen. "The Inquisitor and I will demonstrate for those who still have no clue as to what I am talking about and require a visual aid. Now, if you will all be so kind as to move to the side."

The mages moved quickly, leaving Ellen and Dorian face to face in the center of the training yard. Dorian got into stance with his hands out before him, shooting her a wink. She smirked, shaking her head as she got into position. Without warning he lunged his hand forward, sending a rather large ball of lightning toward her with impressive speed. She stepped back and lifted both hands before her, casting a ward to block the attack. "Oh? So that's how we're doing this?" She whispered and like oil to a flame her competitive spirit was ignited. She dropped the ward and quickly counter attacked, sending a fireball from each hand toward him with matching speed.

He tossed his hands up and blocked it easily when he peered at her from across the yard, wearing an arrogant grin. He dropped the ward and pat a hand to his mouth, mimicking a yawn when suddenly he threw his hands above his head and ripped them down like he was tearing open the sky. The sky grew dark, the wind began to whip mercilessly, sending leaves and debris thrashing about, when a loud grumble stirred. With a loud crack lightning flared through the sea of darkened clouds, sending bolts of electricity to strike the ground around Ellen like spears. One after another they surrounded her. She maneuvered around them, dodging and warding, when one strike came too close. She looked forward as it struck down, hitting the ground inches away from her face. The bolt of electrical energy was so close it tingled the tip of her nose, making the hair on the back of her neck stand at attention.

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