Chapter 10: Arrival

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Three weeks into their eventful trip and they had finally arrived at the Brecilian Forest. Barely breaking the tree line they were greeted with tents that covered the grounds as far as the eye could see. In the midst of the camp was a giant bonfire that competed with the trees as it reached for the sky. The bonfire was surrounded by log benches and tables, decorated with bushels of wild flowers and herbs. Children ran about playing while elders debated of ancient times. Unable to continue through on horse they dismounted, leaving them with dozens of others to graze in the outer fields.

    They walked through the sea of tents when a familiar voice called out to Ellenwen. "Well, if it isn't the Elven Inquisitor! I'm surprised they let you out from playing leader to enjoy the company of your brothers and sisters." They all turned to see a tall, stalky elven man who stepped out from behind a tent. He had long salt and pepper colored hair with a small single braid falling to his shoulder from behind his ear. His face had similar markings to Ellenwen's, except his were not only high on his cheekbones, but along his forehead and down the bridge of his nose, framing his kind sea green eyes. He smiled at her with adoration, holding his arms open wide.

    "GALLEVORN?" Ellenwen gasped when she ran toward him, jumping into his arms embracing him.

    He released a deep hefty laugh, lifting her off the ground twirling her with ease. When he placed her back down she turned to Fenris with a broad smile. "This is Gallevorn, my mother's brother, my uncle, he raised me when my parents passed. Gallevorn, this is Fenris, Dorian and Varric." She said, introducing each one.

    Fenris stepped forward ,holding his hand out to Gallevorn. "Andaran atish'an." He said, bowing his head in respect as Ellenwen smiled proudly.

    Gallevorn gripped his forearm firmly, "Andaran atish'an, lethallin. Welcome."

    After introductions Gallevorn turned to Ellenwen. "Someone has been waiting for you." He said with a glint in his eye. They followed as he led them through the myriad of people to a large tent in the center of camp. Once there a woman emerged gracefully, yet had a demanding presence. She wore deep green robes with a high collar adorned with gold embroidery. Her hair was tied back in a tight braided bun, it was black as ebony with a silver streak along her right temple. Her eyes were honeyed brown with an air of peace about them. Everyone started to gather around them, watching, waiting for the eldest among them to speak.

    "Andaran atish'an Ellenwen Lavellan, Leader of the Inquisition, I am glad you were able to make it home." The woman said with a warm smile.

    "Andaran atish'an Keeper Melda, I am glad to be home." Ellenwen said, bowing deeply.

    "Please rise da'len, there is no need." Melda persisted. "Tell me, who are the ones who accompany you?"

    "These are my comrades from the Inquisition, Fenris, Dorian, and Varric." She said, each bowing as she introduced them.

    Fenris stepped before her bowing deeply, "Andaran atish'an Keeper."

    "Welcome, lethallin. It is nice to see one of our own is protecting the Inquisitor. I thank you for keeping her safe." Melda said, bowing her head slightly when she noticed Fenris looking back at Ellenwen with adoration in his eyes. "Perhaps your protection is more of an instinct to protect something cherished?" She said with a small smile, causing Ellenwen and Fenris to look away from each other with blush creeping on their cheeks.

    Dorian pushed his way past Fenris to stand before Melda. "Hello Keeper, I am Dorian Pavus, it is an honor." He bowed.

    "Yes, I know very well who you are shemlen, Ellenwen has written me a great deal of her companions within the Inquisition and in great detail I might add." Melda stated, looking down to him.

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