Chapter 25: The Hunt

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The night was cold as Fenris led his friends, his family, his pack. The frost covered ground crunched beneath their feet as they weaved silently through the trees with the moonlight dancing on their backs. Their breaths puffed like clouds of smoke as the warmth from their bodies escaped their lungs They approached a clearing when Fenris heard a deep carnivorous growl in the distance. He crouched down, throwing his arm up to halt the rest as he tilted his head slightly, peering into the darkness. He listened intently as he scoured the open area for the beast when he was alerted by the rustling of trees. He looked across the way, seeing a massive grizzly push its way into view. Fenris looked over his shoulder to Bull, making silent gestures with his hands, communicating their next move and Bull nodded, acknowledging his orders.

Silently Fenris crept through the trees to make his way behind their target. When he got into position he crouched down behind a large tree, feeling the adrenaline that pumped through him ringing in his ears. The forest fell silent, he heard nothing but the breaths that escaped his lungs and the whistling of the bitter cold wind that blew through the branches. While the beast was distracted, sniffing the ground for the scent of its next meal, he stood slowly from his hiding place, careful not to make a sound. He leaned his back against the tree as he pulled back on his bow, aiming for its neck.

He inhaled deeply and with the release of his breath he released the arrow, hearing it whiz through the air before it made its mark. The bear roared with fury when it turned its attention to Fenris. It glared at him with the deadliest of intentions when it stood on its hind legs, preparing to charge. "NOW, BULL!" Fenris yelled when Bull charged at its back as fast as he could. Bull kicked off the ground and heaved his axe above his head, matching the bears monstrous battle cry as he struck down with such force against the beasts neck, decapitating it.

When the deed was done the rest came out from the shelter of the trees to look upon their prize. "AHH! That got the blood pumping!" Bull said, shivering with excitement.

"Oh Great, you get to kill a bear, seems all I'm good for is nugs and bunnies." Dorian pouted, holding up his bundle of tiny prey.

"Give it a rest Sparkles. This is Broody's show, we kill what he asks us to kill, be appreciative." Varric chided.

"Easy for you to say! You, Cullen, even TOMLEN got to take down deer!" Dorian complained.

"How many times must we say it Dorian, your magic ruins the meat. Perhaps If you learned another skill instead of solely depending on your use of magic you might be able to hunt bigger game." Cullen rebuked.

"Well, sorry! I'm sure the circle didn't anticipate I would be roughing it like a savage, hunting for my own game." Dorian retorted.

Fenris rolled his eyes as they all bickered back and forth when he heard a low howl from behind them. "SILENCE!" He hissed, crouching down to the ground, preparing his bow. They followed his lead, crouching down, watching, listening, when a single black wolf appeared. With the bear in its sights it began to walk around them, licking its chops as it sniffed the blood in the air from their newly acquired kill.

"If there is one there is bound to be more." Tomlen stated, throwing his bow to the ground unsheathing his swords.

Fenris nodded in agreement. "Alright men! Backs to the kill, eyes open, guards up!" They obeyed, surrounding the bear as they faced the forest.

"Finally! Something besides bunnies!" Dorian cheered, getting into stance with lightning sparking from his fingers.

"Not the time shemlen, survive first, celebrate later." Gallevorn warned.

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