Chapter 6: The Fade

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Fenris could feel himself drifting in and out of sleep. He knew it was morning, but couldn't manage to wake. He heard whispered voices around him, however, he couldn't tell if they were from his dreams or reality.

"Shh! Do you want to wake him?"

"I don't think this is a good idea. He is liable to kill us!"

"Oh please, it's all in good fun. Besides once he realizes who it is he might even get aroused."

"Yeah, sure, somehow I highly doubt that, especially after you managed to piss him off with your ill asked question last night."

"Excuse me, he was well aware of the rules of the game."

"Ugh! How do I always get dragged into your childish schemes? You're worse than Sera."

"Admit it, you love the thrill. Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

All of a sudden Fenris was rushed, bound, and gagged with a sack put over his head. "MMPPF!" He flailed wildly, his cries were muffled by the gag when he was dragged from his bed, falling to the floor with a heavy thud.

"Makers breath! He's heavy for an elf."

"Stop complaining and put those gloriously attractive muscles of yours to use!"

He fought against his bindings when he felt his captures pick him up by the crook of his arms, hoisting him up once again as they struggled to leave the room. His feet dragged along the stone floor of the hall when they suddenly came to a halt and he heard a woman with a familiar accent.

"What in the name of Andraste are you two up to?"

"Oh don't mind us dear, just having a little fun."

He strained his ears listening to those around him, he knew these voices. As they continued he tried to concentrate on where he was being taken. He felt around with his feet as they dragged along a rug when it switched to warm stone. He strained to hear anything else he could identify, when suddenly he felt the warmth of the sun flush against his skin, he was outside. He could feel the grass and dirt caught between his toes when he was placed upright in a chair and the sack removed from his head. He waited for his eyes to adjust from the sunlight's temporary blindness when he sees Dorian and Cullen smiling down at him with amusement plastered on their faces.

"Do you have a death wish mage?" Fenris hissed.

"Oh come now Moody Broody, we just wished to have a little fun with you." Dorian contested as Cullen cut the bindings on his wrists.

Cullen flipped the dagger in the air grabbing it by the handle before sheathing it in his boot. "You know for a bodyguard that was a little too easy." He said with a smirk.

"Understand, it will never happen again." Fenris growled.

"That remains to be seen." Cullen stated.

"What do you want of me?" Fenris huffed, becoming increasingly impatient.

"I told you, I wished to test your mettle, so, here we are." Cullen said as he held his arms open wide, revealing the makeshift ring in the training yard.

Fenris stood slowly and removed the ropes from his hands. "If you wished to be brought pain and humiliation so badly, you need only ask." Fenris said with a devilish grin.


Ellenwen woke from her restless slumber, seething. Why didn't he show? She sat up and threw the blankets from her, staring out the open balcony doors and contemplated the possibilities for Solas's absence. Unable to think of a valid reason, frustration began to set in. She stood and stomped from her bed. If he isn't going to be there, then to the Void with him. She thought, quickly readying herself for the day.

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