Chapter 17: Family Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I'll pass." Fenris said quickly, taking a step back.

"Well, I should've known that wouldn't have lasted long." Dorian pouted, turning his attention to Ellen. She stood quietly, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. She had a hard time looking at Dorian, her guilt grew with each passing glance.

"Ellie dear, come, sit." Dorian said, patting the bed beside him. Ellen walked over hesitantly, sitting on the edge of the bed next to him when Dorian wrapped her up in a big hug. "Knowing you, you are probably thinking this is your fault. Taking all the blame and responsibility on yourself, like always." He sighed, shaking his head. "I swear Ellie, when will you learn?" He pulled away, taking her hands in his. "We are all in this together. We're a family, a rather bizarre messed up band of misfits I'd say, but still, a family nonetheless." He chuckled. "No one is to blame but Morvain, we have not chosen to hurt, murder, or enslave. However, it is ALL our responsibility to put a stop to such evil in this world. That is why we are all here is it not? We believe in the Inquisition's cause. We believe in you, Ellie." Dorian said, giving her a confident grin.

She hugged him tightly, trying to hold back her tears. "What would I do without you Dorian?" She whispered.

He laughed. "Well, luckily for us with Moody Broody's newly acquired trick you'll never have to know." He said, giving Fenris a wink.

The door to the infirmary opened slightly when Varric peeked inside. "May I borrow you for a second Broody?" He asked seriously.

"Yes, one moment." Fenris turned to Ellen as she began to stand. "No need Fea'mir, stay with the mage." Fenris said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"But-" She began to protest.

"I will be right outside the door, I promise." Fenris bent down and gave her a peck on the cheek. Ellen day back down reluctantly and began talking to Dorian once again.

Fenris stepped outside, closing the door behind him. Varric looked out to the courtyard unable to bring himself to face him, he knew he wasn't going to like what he had to say. "What is it dwarf?" He asked, crossing his arms preparing himself.

Varric let out a heavy sigh, running his hands over his face. "Well, to begin with Leliana's scout arrived this morning with her findings."

"And?" Fenris pressed, beginning to grow impatient.

"The assassin was right about one thing, Morvain's headquarters is in the Arbor Wildes, but he was wrong about how many are under his command." He crossed his arms shaking his head slightly. "He has about one thousand men under him, and he has another base of operation in The Western Approach."

Fenris stared blankly at him, trying to process what he'd just heard. "Who all know of this?" He questioned.

"So far? Just you, Cullen, and myself." He stated.

Fenris nodded, looking to the distance. "Good, let us keep it that way for now. Ellen is still under extreme duress, I am not certain if it is wise to let her know of this right at the moment."

Varric nodded in agreement before looking to him with burdened eyes. "There is more Fenris." Fenris turned to face him, tilting his head. "My contacts have done some digging into Morvain's past and found some information pertaining to you." He sighed, shifting the weight in his legs slightly as he contemplated how to deliver the news. "Morvain...began his slave trade in Par Vollen, given that its Qunari country he only got away with it once before having to move his trade south. However, that one attempt was a successful one and he got away with an elven woman and two children, an eight year old girl and a six year old boy with white hair." Varric eyed Fenris as he finished, waiting for a reaction.

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