Emotional Blackout: Catra/Scorpia

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"I'm bad at relationships." Catra said, "Can't even keep a best friend." 

Scorpia pointed her own claws at herself. "Me. I'm here, remember." 

Catra sighed and rolled to her side. "Yeah, thank you. I'm just gonna sleep here." 

She had no idea when Scorpia had left. No clue as to the black, white and gray kaleidoscope behind her eyes. The images flicked in slow motion. She saw herself with Adora the fist slamming into her face. The portal in black and white and sliced down the middle. 

She sat up with a start. In her mind she saw Adora's blue eyes. Those eyes that looked at her with hate. She'd never seen Adora give her that look before. In her gut she felt pain, it was more from starving herself than anything else. 

She refused to eat anything and closed her eyes. This time she saw Entrapta and herself tasering her. In the heat of the moment she acted carelessly. She liked Entrapta they were becoming close now she was on Beast Island. 

Would Hordak find Entrapta alive? Catra wondered. 

"What are you doing?" Lonnie asked walking toward her. "Scorpia asked me to check on you." 

"Wallowing in misery." Catra said and ran a hand over her dirty face. "I've been bad and need to face my punishment." 

Lonnie laughed and kneeled down. "Girl, you talked back to Hordak and he sent you to the Crimson Waste. You came back trying to help the Horde." 

"I failed again trying to take down the Rebellion and She-Ra. I was gonna run and hide, but I am willing to face what's in store." Catra said and rolled onto her stomach. "Please step on me." 

Lonnie got up. "You smell funky. Go take a shower." She shook her head. "I'm gonna tell Scorpia you're fine." 

Catra watched her leave then crawled back into the vent and closed it. She crawled through the vents until she found herself staring into Hordak's destroyed lab. "I did that." She felt guilt at first then she laughed. "I did that!" She said with a smile. "I opened a portal!" 

She kicked the vent open and got out. She saw the charred mess and broken things. It needed major repairs. Her eyes looked to where the oxygen machine was. The lever was damaged. So much for this plan. 

Feeling unsteady she leaned against the wall. There were gray stars in her eyes. A heaviness came over her and she felt weak. Was there a gas leak of some kind in here and wouldn't it have blown up by now? She walked back to the vent and was inside when she passed out. 

Scorpia was going crazy. No one had seen or heard from Catra in over four hours. She thought she'd looked everywhere. Then it hit her. "Kyle!" She barked out. "I need you to crawl into the vent and go search for Catra!" 

Kyle jogged over, huffing. "Vent?" He pointed, "It's dark in there!" 

"Boo hoo be a man and go look for Catra." Scorpia told him. 

"I need a flashlight." Kyle told her. 

After getting the flashlight he went looking in the vents. It took him almost an hour to locate Catra. He didn't have much upper body strength so it took him over an hour to pull her to the vent just outside of Hordak's sanctum. 

Scorpia was on the ground crying and lightly tapping Catra's face with a claw. "Please wake up!" She looked at Kyle. "Get me some water!" Kyle scrambled to his feet and ran off to get a cup of water. He was careful to not spill it. "Help me with her. Gently hold her head up and put some in her mouth." Scorpia told him. 

Catra coughed as the water hit her throat. "What the heck?" She yelled out and spit drops in Kyle's direction. 

"Wildcat! You're okay!" Scorpia cheered. Catra yelled out in surprise as the woman wrapped her in a hug. 

"Let go!" She yelled. 

They both stood up, but Catra swayed and Scorpia had to catch her. "Whoa! You need to eat and drink something." Scorpia said, "I'll help you down to the cafeteria." 

Catra didn't object, she let Scorpia help her this time. 

After having a light lunch Catra wanted to go to her room. She was about to shut the door, but Scorpia walked into it with her. 

"Yeah, we're gonna talk these emotions out of you. Pretend I'm your mother and you need to have a chat with her." Scorpia said. 

Catra felt a pang in her gut. The only mother figure she'd ever had was Shadow Weaver. Where had she come from? Weaver had never spoken about that either. It was then Catra's eyes did a weird thing. They leaked water and fell onto her face. 

Scorpia closely watched her struggling with her emotions. 

"What if  . . . what if I came through a portal? How cool and strange would that be?" Catra said as sleep washed over her lke a tidal wave. "I . . . I  . . . " She passed out. 

Scorpia went over to help with the covers and move her to a better position. "Sweet Dreams." She said and left the room. Just for protection she sat just outside of Catra's room. 

Catra dreamt that she was in power. That she'd taken over Hordak's throne, but it was just a dream  . . . for now. 

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