Chapter Fifteen - Caught Up

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Davian sat on the couch, watching old NBA basketball games. For the past few days, all he could think about was the night that he shared with Mia. He had a feeling in his guts that he'd never felt before. He felt guilty but then again, he didn't. Mia had been texting him for those past days, but he hadn't responded. He didn't know what to say.

"Davian, what is this?" Cearra stood in front of the tv. She threw his phone at him. "When did you stay with Mia?"

He sighed, leaning back on the couch. "Saturday night when I got drunk. Her house was close and I didn't want to drive any further. I texted her and told her thanks. But, you already know that. Since you're going through my phone and shit."

"Look, I don't want you around that girl anymore." Cearra rolled her eyes. "She give me a vibe that I don't like. And I'm not playing." she said before walking away.


Mia dropped the towel from around her body, and then put on her lingerie. Monica walked into the room, sitting down on the bed. She stayed with Mia the previous night.

"Still no word from D?" she asked.

Mia shook her head. "Nope. I texted him three times. I don't understand."

"He wouldn't fuck me like that and not text back. Let's do a drive by on his ass." Monica wasn't joking. She was that type to do a pull up.

"I don't know what I expected. He's engaged." Mia shrugged.

"Well, he ought to keep his dick in his pants."

Mia threw on a pair of black tights, a plain red long sleeve shirt, a jean jacket, and black Uggs. Her curly hair hung down her back. She put on a pair of gold hoops and a gold watch.

"Yeah, I'm going to leave him alone." Mia shrugged. She grabbed her purse from the bed. "Come on, Lorenzo is waiting for us outside."

They were headed to the game. Jared was already there with Jeremiah, he was now playing basketball. Mia was not ready to look Davian in the face. He was the coach of the boys team, he was definitely going to be there.

"You two look nice." Lorenzo complimented them as he backed up from the driveway.

"Thank you." Monica told him.

"You look nice as well." Mia smiled at him.

Lorenzo had a fresh cut and he smelled good. He had on gray Nike sweatpants, a gray Nike hoodie, and black Nike air max. He looked good. Mia didn't understand why she was playing around with him. The guy she loved was clearly engaged and about to be married.

"Hey, I'm sitting over here with Cody." Monica said before walking away to go sit in the stands.

"You don't mind if I sit with you, do you?"

"Of course not."

The girls were already warming up. Mia yelled, telling them to bring it in. As she gave them a prep talk, she noticed Davian walking out of the boys locker room. She glanced at him for a moment, catching his eyes. She showed no type of emotion, and then she turned away.

Soon, the game was starting. Lorenzo watched in awe as Mia paced back and forth down the court, as she yelled things to the girls. She definitely didn't look like the type to be so into sports.

"Come on girls, move the ball down the court!" she yelled.

Davian made his way down the sideline. "Mia, can we talk?"

"Can't you see I'm coaching right now." she rolled her eyes. "Besides, you haven't responded to any of my texts. So, I advise you to keep that same fucking energy. Get out of my face." Mia was angry.

"Mia, what is he doing here with you?" Davian asked referring to Lorenzo.

She was starting to become frustrated. "Are you serious? He's here with me because I like him! Why do you care? Get out of my face, now Davian."

He hesitantly walked away. Mia couldn't believe he had the nerve to question her about the people she decides to be around. She was done playing around with him. She didn't know why she got herself sexually involved with him in the first place. It only made things more difficult.

After the girls finished up, the boys started to play. You could hear Kathryn yelling from across the court. She even had a shirt with Jeremiah's name on it. She was his biggest supporter.

The entire game, the crowd was hype. The team ended up winning by two points. Lorenzo and Mia stood by the door, waiting for Jeremiah to come out. Her parents were gone, and so was Monica. Jared was waiting for him outside.

As Davian walked out of the locker room, he bumped into Lorenzo on purpose. "My bad my dog."

"Watch where you going." Lorenzo gave him a look. "And I ain't ya dog, son."

Davian stood in front of Lorenzo. "And I ain't ya mothafuckin' son. Nigga. Don't let this artistic shit have you thinking I'm soft. I'll paint a picture with yo blood boy."

Lorenzo shoved Davian. "Well, show me whasup then fuck boy."

Mia stood between them. "Chill out. Please. Davian, walk off. Now."

"So, it's him now huh?" Davian chuckled. "That's what we doing now Mia?"

"Davian, you're engaged!" she yelled in his face. "Come on now. Shit. Now walk away!"

Davian took one last look at Mia before walking away. She sighed of relief. She was devastated. The nerve of Davian.

"I'm so sorry Lorenzo." Mia rubbed his chest. "I don't know what's wrong with D."

Lorenzo licked his lips. "It's all good ma. You ain't got nothing to apologize about. But it's obvious he still got feelings for ya. Should I know some?"

"Nahh." she kissed his cheek. "There is nothing that you need to know."

Once Jeremiah came out of the locker room, they walked him to Jared's car. Lorenzo ended up staying the night with Mia. They both slept on the couch. She had a lot on her mind and needed him to keep her company. Of course he didn't mind.

Short chapter, I know. But it's a lot of stuff about to pop off.

Stay tuned for chapter sixteen, that's where it all goes down.

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