Chapter Seven - Roller Coasters

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   "Awe, she's so adorable." Mia held Katelyn in her arms, Latoya's new bundle of joy.

   She weighed five pounds and ten ounces. She looked so much like Latoya's boyfriend. Her eyes are hazel with a head full of hair. It was the day LaToya got released from the hospital. During those past few days, Mia was back and forth between the hospital and work. Mia was excited to be an aunt.

   "Where's my baby girl?" Curtis walked into the room, smiling brightly.

   He kissed Latoya before grabbing Katelyn from Mia's arms. He was more excited than anyone.

   "Where's mom?" Latoya asked.

    "She's at work." he answered, still looking at Katelyn. "I'll be taking you to the house. Don't worry, I have everything set up for you."

   "Well, I'm gonna go." Mia stood up, grabbing her purse. "I'll see you guys later." She kissed Katelyn, her dad, and then Latoya.


   Mia sat on the porch swing, watching Jeremiah and Jared plant flower seeds and rose bushes in her yard. She didn't feel like doing it, so she convinced them to.

   "A little to the left Jeremiah!" She yelled.

    Her phone started to ring. It was an incoming facetime call from Lorenzo. They'd been getting rather close lately.

   "Girl, where you goin' looking like a pink starburst?"

     Mia laughed hysterically. "What you want?"

   "You." he smirked.

    Mia blushed, shaking her head. "You are too much Lorenzo."

    "We still on for tonight?"

    "Most definitely."

   "Alright, see you tonight baby girl."

   "Byeee." Mia ended the call.

    Jared and Jeremiah were still planting the rose bushes. Mia's yard was starting to look pretty nice,. She had always loved flowers. Her and her mom used to plant flowers every Spring.

    "We're done." Jared put down the shovel and sat down in the ground. "You owe me a hot meal for this shit."

    Jeremiah stood off to the side, talking on his phone. He wanted and need one, so Mia's parents got him one.

   "Who was that?" she asked once he was off.

   "Mom, she asked was I coming over for dinner tonight?" Jeremiah smiled at his phone.

    In no time, Jeremiah became like family to them. Mia's parents dared him to call them anything other than mom or dad. He was like their little brother. Their parents told everyone that he was their son. Jeremiah would smell each time. They also learned that he could play the piano. He's a smart, sweet, intelligent, young man.

    "Thank you Mia." he wrapped his arms around her. "For everything."

    "No need for that." Mia smiled. "You're a part of us now."

       Jared got up from the ground. "Yup. I always wanted a brother."

    Jeremiah nodded. "Me too."


   "Ooouh, let's get on that one." Mia pulled Lorenzo's hand.

   He decided to take her to the carnival. When Mia found out where they were going, she acted like a little kid. She was so excited. She hadn't been since she was ten years old. They had almost ridden every ride.

   They didn't have to stand in line long. They rode on the swings that went in the air and spun around. Just for a minute, Mia felt like she was in a fairytale.

   "Let's sit down. I'm a little dizzy."

   "Come on, get on my back." Lorenzo bent down so that she could.

    Mia climbed on his back, wrapping her arms around his neck. She rested her chin in the crook of his neck. It eased the pain in her head just a little.

    "Are you enjoying yourself?"

   "Absolutely." Mia smiled. "I haven't had this much fun since..."

    Lorenzo laughed. "Been a while huh?"


    She hopped down from his back as they approached a bench. Before they could sit down, Davian and his fiancé were walking up to them. Mia still wasn't used to seeing them together. Her stomach tightened.

   "Whasup Mia." Davian spoke.

   "Hey Davian." she faked a smile. "It's nice to see you again Cearra."

   She shook Mia's hand. "You too."

   "This is my friend, Lorenzo. Lorenzo, this is an old friend and his fiancé."

   "Nice to meet you both." He shook their hands.

   "We're going to carry on. Nice to see you again though Mia." Davian grabbed Cearra's hand, walking past them.

   Lorenzo and Mia sat down on the bench. He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her.

   "So, what's with you and dude?"

     Mia acted confused. "What do you mean?"

    "I saw the way he looked at you. Y'all got chemistry?"

    Mia sighed. "Yeah, he's my ex boyfriend. But, let's not talk about that."

    "Let's get some funnel cakes." Lorenzo stood up before helping Mia up.

   They shared a funnel cake covered in chocolate syrup. They rode a few more rides and Lorenzo won her a few teddy bears. It was the most fun Mia had in a long time. Really. She enjoyed every minute of it. Lorenzo was a sweet guy and she enjoyed being in his presence.

   Mia gathered her belongings as he pulled into her driveway. She hated for their night to end.

    "I had a lot of fun with you Mia." Lorenzo shut his car off, turning towards her. "When will I see you again?"

    "Very soon. I promise." she smiled widely at him. "I had fun as well. Call me when you get home?"

    "Most definitely beautiful."

    Lorenzo got out of the car to open the door for her. They hugged each other so tightly, and she kissed him on the cheek. She admitted that she like him.


    Davian laid in bed with Cearra, whole while thnking of Mia. Seeing her with another man triggered something in his heart. He was clearly still in love with her, but he loved his fiancé. She didn't know how to feel or what to do. Cearra was his rock. But it seemed as if Mia meant so much more. Nahh, I'm tripping...

   "Baby, I still haven't picked a dress." Cearra complained. "Which one looks the best?" she showed him a collage of dresses on her laptop.

   Davian scanned through the dresses. "I think you'll look beautiful in either one."

    She smiled and kissed his lips. "Thank you baby."

   "Come on." he closed the laptop, placing it on the nightstand. "Let's get some rest."

   Cearra snuggled closer to Davian with her back against him. He wrapped his arms around her petite body, holding her close. Soon, his mind drifted off back to Mia. Damn...

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