Bruce Wayne x Female Reader Lemon

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Okay, so this is my first lemon, so it is crap...probably
If you are not a fan of lemons, SKIP THIS IMMEDIATELY!!! Takes place a few days after Dark Night. You are his partner, the Eagle. He calls you Feathers.

Y/n P.O.V A few days ago

"Great jesus! You almost gave me a heart attack Bats!" I yelled. He saved the kid and survived the fall. I just flew down while Gordon took the stairs. I ended up looking if the police or dogs were gonna come in, while Bats and Gordon were talking. Eventually, Bats tapped my shoulder, signalling we need to leave. "Come on Feathers!" He yelled. I ran after him and jumped on his motorcycle.

Two days later after the incident...

"I am soooo happy I finally got revenge on Joker! After killing my family and trying to kill me, I got my REVENGE!" I told Bruce. "You know, it is weird seeing you this happy. You really even talk!" He jokes. "You're one to talk." I have always liked Bruce, but I knew he loved Rachel. "I rarely talk when I am me because of Joker killing my family and trying to hide my emotions." I sighed. "Well, it is up to you." He then hissed. I looked over and saw he was stitching another wound. But damn, them abs lookin fine. If it wasn't for the thousand scars he had. "Welp, I'm gonna change into my pyjamas. I would say shoo, but now you're busy so just don't look."

"Sure thing." He laughed. I just changed into shorts, and I just removed my shirt when I heard him ask.
"Where is that scar from?" I froze. He saw the only scar I have had for more than a few years. I had it since I was 10, and now I'm 24, so yeah, 14 years if my brain can calculate correctly. "Joker..." I said. I had my back to him so when I felt his hand on it, I flinched. I jumped when he placed a kiss on it. "Something wrong?" "Not used to physical contact." I replied. He continued to kiss it and chills were running down my spine. My breathing got ragged.

His lips started to move up from my scar to my shoulder and to my neck. There he searched for my sweet spot and when I moaned, he smirked against my skin. After he bit it, he placed me on my back against the bed in my room and he kissed me gently on the lips. I kissed back. Soon he continued down from my lips to my breasts. He played with my nipples while he placed butterfly kisses between them.

He went lower down to my stomach. "B-Bruce~" I moaned. He then reached my shorts and slowly removed them. He started to lick my clit. I moaned louder. Thank good Alfred is in the other side of the building. I thought to myself. "Bruce, I'm gonna-" and I did just that. He licked it all up. He then removed his pants and shirt and his boxers.

He kissed me again on the lips and removed all his clothing. We were both naked. He lined up at my entrance. "This might hurt, ok? Tell me when you are ready." "Bruce, I'm ready, I always wanted to do this, with you. Please, just get inside me." After I said those words, he went all in."F-Fuck" I hissed cuz it hurt like hell. "You're a virgin?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm so sorry." He apologized. "No worries, you can move now."

He started thrusting into me in a low pace, and then faster and harder and he hit my g-spot. "Bruce, harder" I begged. He did just that.
"Y/n I'm gonna cum." He said in between breaths. "M-me too AHH!" I replied. He came in me. He got out and laid down beside me. "Love ya Bats~" "Love you too, Feathers."


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