Crimson Peak Thomas Sharpe x OC (Lime)

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I'm absolutely in love with this movie. Also there will be some angst.

⚠️⚠️⚠️And there are also some slight mentions of r@pe and a slight lime?⚠️⚠️⚠️

Irene is a maid/servant and the only servant in Allerdale Hall. She fell in love with Thomas, as did he with her, and Lucille has no idea of that. To Lucille, she's basically a fuck toy and only hers.

At the end, Lucille feels betrayed when she realises that Thomas and Irene slept with each other.

Irene's P. O. V

I was currently taking a bath, trying to wash off as much as I could sweat and hoping to forget how Lucille went abusive as she basically forced herself on me. I felt pain in every muscle, and it scared me. Thomas and his wife, Edith, had left to the post office.
It was horrifying for me. I didn't know what to do.

An hour later I went out of the bath, placed on a dress and my apron and began making breakfast. As much as I feared Lucille, she was my lover's sister.

"Lucille? Irene?"

Edith. That was Edith's voice. "I'm here." I called out from the bedroom.

3rd P. O. V

While Lucille was with Edith downstairs, Thomas went upstairs to the bedroom to his beloved Irene.

He walked up to her and without hesitation kissed her.

"I've missed you." He whispered against her lips. "I've missed you too, Thomas." She replied and kissed him again. Thomas cringed a little. "How hard did she...?" Irene shook her head. "It hurts, Thomas. I just... I feel pain. Not pleasure, not anything."

Thomas frowned slightly as he gently lifted her skirt, his eyes trailing down at the bruises that littered her skin as her legs slowly trembled. He looked back and met her eyes, which held tears. He slowly stood up.

"I will return tonight, alright love? I promise." He said, gently kissing her, his hands going to the braid that held her brown hair together. He and Irene both knew of the risks if Lucille or Edith found out about their relationship. So if they were to make love to each other, it would always be late at night.

Time Skip

Lucille had fallen asleep hours ago; so had Edith. Thomas had slowly went to Irene's room, dressed in pants and a shirt, where she was sitting on her bed, humming an old lullaby. Not the one Lucille sang, but a different one. Thomas looked behind him and locked the door.

"Irene." He said softly, catching her attention. She quickly stood up and went to Thomas, although it was hard for her since her legs hurt too much from all the pain Lucille gave her. Lucille felt too abusive.

"Thomas." Irene smiled, reaching out and cupping his cheek. He smiled at her touch. He kissed her gently at first, but she turned to become more passionate. He slowly trailed his hands to the back of her thighs. She jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist, silently gasping into the kiss from the slight pain.

He walked towards the bed, slowly and gently laying her down. He kissed her neck and unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her in a bra. He knew the risks of leaving hickeys on her skin. So that's why he barely did. Unless Lucille was out of Allerdale Hall for at least a good week, that's when all their love would go anywhere and everywhere.

His gentle kisses made Irene's breath hitch as he slowly removed her pants and underwear, as she did the same with him.

Thomas slowly kissed around her collarbone. Irene's hands were in his hair, pulling him closer as he shrugged off his own shirt. He slowly trailed his hands behind her and unclasped her bra, leaving her bare before him.

Time skip again (I'm sorry)

"So that's it then?" Lucille asked as she watched Irene and Thomas burn the papers Edith had just signed.

"Lucille, we can start a new life. Think about it." Irene tried to reason. Thomas nodded as he stood beside her. "Irene is right. We can go somewhere else. Leave Allerdale Hall. We can all start anew." Thomas spoke.

"All..?" Lucille asked. She knew he was referring to Edith as well, but no. Not Edith. Never, Edith. Only her and Thomas. She would murder Irene if she had to. "ALL?!" Lucille repeated herself, causing Irene to jump as Thomas held her waist, keeping her close to him.

That was when Lucille noticed something. "You love her, Thomas." Lucille breathed out, referring to Irene. Irene's breath quickened.

"Lucille-" Thomas started. "You said you will always love me Thomas." She gasped out. She turned to Irene. "You! You were only to be with me when I asked you to! And what? You were sleeping with my brother, who you know I love, behind my back?! Traitor!" She screamed. "Lady Lucille please-" Irene started. Lucille raised her arm as she pushed her brother back...

...but Irene jumped in between, causing Lucille to stab Irene's shoulder.

Irene cried out in pain as Lucille pulled out the knife. "Run Irene!" Thomas said. Lucille stabbed him instead. "No!" Irene screamed. But then Lucille stabbed him right under his eye. Irene gasped. "No..."

Lucille then pulled away, horrified at what she's done. Thomas turned to look at his beloved Irene. "I love you... run." He told her, as she grabbed the necklace he once gave her, red stone that was in the shape of a rose. Irene mouthed the words back to him. She then ran, tears gathering at her eyes as she found Edith.

Thomas walked over to the chair in the room, as he sat down, he pulled out the knife from under his eye. Lucille cried out for her baby brother, cradling his limp body.

She later grabbed the knife and then went to hunt Edith, the one responsible for it all. She caught up to Irene and Edith who were in the elevator.

"Edith, your doctor is on the lowest floor. You go on!" Irene told Edith as they ran in the kitchen, Edith finding and grabbing a knife. "Go! Go!" Irene exclaimed.

She turned to face Lucille. "You, traitor! How could you do this to me?!" Lucille sobbed. Tears streaked down Irene's face. "I'm not the one who murdered him, Lucille, you did."

Lucille let out a scream of rage, stabbing Irene several times and finally, in her throat. As Irene collapsed, she pulled out the knife from her throat, bleeding out all over the floor.

Lucille screamed again when she realised what she had done. She caressed Irene's cheek, which was still warm.

Lucille once more room the knife to kill Edith, readying her weapon.

She left the room, but to Irene, as she let her final breath, she only spoke four words...
"I love you Thomas..."
And her eyes were now shut.

Time skip (last one I'm so sorry)

"Help me..." Edith spoke. "There's no one to help you!" Lucille screamed. "Yes there is! TURN AROUND!"

Lucille turned around and saw Thomas and Irene, both now white ghosts. Edith hit Lucille with a shovel in the head.

"I'll not stop, until you kill me, or I kill you!"  Lucille screamed, only to get boinked on the head by Edith once more, finally ending her life. "I know. I heard you the first time."

Edith walked over to Thomas and Irene's ghosts. She placed her arms on both their shoulders. "Go on now. You're both free now. Be at peace." She smiled. "Be together."

Irene bowed her head, as Thomas nodded, both man and woman fading from existence.

Both now in their own world, where it was only the two of them. No wives, no murder, no Lucille, just them; Irene and Thomas.

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