" W-what's going on?"  your brows drew together and you bit your lower lip when you asked.

Hoseok shook his head " I don't know what's with him, he just walked passed us and drove away." 

You blinked your eyes and looked at the stairs, the last one he talked to was Yuju, did they fight or something

" Don't worry, he's always like this " Jin said from the couch " When he get upset he drive around then eventually come back." 

Your gaze flits around the room, never settling on a person or object for long " But driving in this road upset is like driving drunk, It's dangerous." 

Hoseok and Jin shared gazes when you walked toward the window and looked outside. 



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In the middle of the road, Jungkook hit the steering wheel in frustration and increase the speed angry at the way he's thinking and his thoughts, what happened to him? His mind traveled back to the night before the wedding,  How he kissed Yuju that night. He told her that he loved her that night. Did he lie? Or were his feelings able to fade so quickly? The girl who proposed to, the girl he was willing to spend his life with her as her husband was the same girl he didn't want to see right now. 

Jungkook knew his heart, he new what he can do for someone he loves and that same heart didn't react when she was talking, touch or about to cry next to him.

Jungkook didn't realise he was driving in a dangerous speed until he nearly lost control of the car as he slid around the road but he quickly stopped it. 

He sighed and rested his head on the steering wheel cursing under his breath.


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Back in the house, Yuju hugged her best friend as she cried, the two girls locked the bedroom and started talking. 

We Met At Our Wedding ( JJK FF )Where stories live. Discover now