Nightmares and Horns

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Rana POV

His hands were wrapped around my neck, strangling me as I gasped for air. Why was he doing this to me? Tears filled his grey eyes as I felt my heartbeat pounding in my throat.

"Zak" I croacked as he squeezed tighter.

"I'm so sorry."

I woke up gasping for air, he sat up and coiled me into his arms. Another nightmare. They hadn't stopped since the day he provoked the part of my spirit. A week straight and here I was still in fear.

"You're okay." He sighed and pressed a kiss to my shoulder. "Another one?"

"Yeah. You killed me by suffocating me." I glanced to him before laying back down. We were back in the States. Though for once we were staying at my home in the hills of California. "At least you're switching it up."

"This isn't a laughing matter Rana." He grumbled and laid on his side, his fingers running along the lace fabric that hugged my torso. "What if she's right.... That I do hurt you." I giggled slightly and shook my head.

"Zak. It's a dark part of me. She's going to cause doubt in your mind and feed on your worst fears." I gave up on sleeping and grabbed my robe before looking out over the balcony. The breeze was coming in and Brutus was by the open door with Gracie still snoozing.

"What if it's fucking right?" He sat up, making me turn to look at him.

"Then I'll just see you when you get to Heaven." I shrugged before looking back outside. "Death doesn't scare me. Losing you scares me." I could hear him get up and the warmth of his body coming up behind me. I leaned into his arms and sighed, staring up at the sky.

"What is it like up there?"

"The Silver City? Beautiful. You're never tired and you always feel happy."

"Sounds beautiful." He sighed. "Why don't we go to the cove today? Quiet little beach where it's just you and I." I nodded and couldn't help but smile. We didn't take long to get ready though opting to leave the dogs behind due to the growling in our stomachs.

Zak was dressed in black shorts and a white shirt, which for him was actually a change of style. Meanwhile I just went for a bikini under a white sundress.

Zak took the keys to the landrover and grabbed the beach bag I'd packed.

Yet it would stay untouched.

"Are you sure your GPS is right?" He chuckled and I nodded in response. In a blink of an eye the light turned green and Zak pulled off into the intersection.

"Zak!" I screamed and he jerked the car, yet I still got to feel weightless even with my seatbelt on. I thought I'd be fine yet it was only when I was standing by my body that was still in the seat did I realize it. Zak had killed me. Not even by his own fault. Pure accidents in the human world.

"Rana?" I watched as Zak turned to my body before touching my face. "Rana!!" I gasped and shot back into my body, I couldn't stop choking as he cut my seatbelt off.

"Zak?" I mumbled as he laid me down on the concrete. I could already hear sirens nearby as a weak laugh escaped me. "Guess she was right huh?" He shook his head yet I kept wanting to close my eyes. His face was bloody from shattered glass yet the impact was on my side of the vehicle where the real damage was located.

Fast forward only two hours and I'm back where I was earlier. Standing beside my body that was hooked up to machines. A four letter word that I hate more than love is coma.

Zak just stares at my body, his phone violently buzzing on the blanket near my hand. Well my human hand. I sat beside him and leaned my head on his shoulder, he shivers, but doesn't realize it's my spirit right beside him.

"You know you can go home sister." I glanced behind me to see Gabriel and shake my head.

"I can't leave him. Not yet." I looked to the door as it flies open and Aaron is rushing into the room. Zak doesn't even move and just keeps staring at me.

"What are you doing Zak?" He sighed and sits his bag down.

"Waiting for her to wake up." Aaron tosses a spiritbox on the bottom of the bed. "What are we gonna do with that?! It isn't like she's dead!"

"What if she's just out of her body though?! It's Rana!" Zak sighed and sat back, crossing his arms. He shook his head before looking back to me.

"She's right here Aaron. She's stuck in this fucking body and Lucifer is her medical contact. He's on his way. It's all his decision." I shivered at the thought of my brother coming to this very scene.

Yet that's exactly what came busting through the door within ten minutes of Zak's comment. I could feel him outside of the room as I stood by the door. Amenadiel was nearby as well, but he wouldn't be able to do a thing.

Then all I could feel was my brother's rage. The door opened and he closed it quickly. He was nearly growling at Zak as he approached him. His devil side showing as he had Zak pinned against the wall.

"IS THIS YOUR DOING?!" His voice was low, but do powerful that even I was scared. Aaron grabbed the spirit box and turned it on as if it was his last chance. Lucifer didn't even look away from Zak. "I'LL BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SENTENCE YOU RIGHT HERE AND NOW!"

"STOP!" I yelled and with relief it came through the spirit box. I watched as Lucifer slowly shifted back and looked to the device. Zak was doing the same.

"Rana?" Luci's voice trembled.

"Don't hurt him." I mumbled as I approached my brother. It came through so clear on the device. "I'm gonna be okay." I brushed his cheek and I felt the cold breeze. I could only tell because his hand raised to his face.

So how the fuck was I gonna get my body back?

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