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I guided her down the hall towards the shop which housed my newest item that still needed to be logged in our system. My mother locked eyes onto Rana the moment she walked in the room. Nancy, my mother, was a lot like me in the sense of being into the paranormal. Hence why she worked at the museum.

"Rana? Rana Clark? How?" Rana looked at her confused for a moment before blinking. I pulled away from Rana slightly so my mom to really look at her.

"She was my mother." Rana flashed her smile. My mother collected herself and offered out her hand. "I'm Rana as well. Rana Morningstar."

"I'm so sorry. You look identical to her. Different hair but wow. I'm Nancy Knapp. Zak's mother. You're mother she saved my life and well Zak's." Rana seemed to freeze for a moment as a memory crossed her mind.

"She did?" Rana glanced to me and it seemed she was putting pieces together. Her eyes fell back on my mother's.

"I was at a gas station with my ex husband Larry Bagans. I ran inside and your mother was there. Moments later there was a robbery. Your mother stood in front of me and it was as if the man didn't even see me. He shot the owner and just missed your mother. Then he just ran out." She shook her head before motioning to me. "I said thank you and she said that I was pregnant with a son. He'd be extremely intelligent in a unique way." She laughed and grabbed my arm. "Who knew! Larry couldn't believe it! I was only 3 weeks at the time! I never did see her again, but I couldn't forget her eyes. She was so inviting. You've got your mother's eyes." Rana took my mom's hand and gave it a pat. Was this how we knew eachother? Our souls had met before?

"Yeah she had that affect on people. It's a lovely story." She cleared her throat and glanced to me.

"Funny how things work." Mom mumbled yet I was still in shock and nodded before clearing my throat.

"Yeah. Here let me show you something in my office first. Then onto the piece." I ushered Rana into my office before she sat down. My mother looked confused to say the least when I shut the door.

"Hence why you feel familiar." She mumbled before grabbing a tack off my desk. She poked her finger and not a drop of blood left. Then she handed it to me. "Stab my thumb."


"Humour me." She grumbled. I took her hand and did as she asked yet blood pooled around the wound as I removed it. Rana was silent for a moment as she looked at the drop of blood on her finger, almost laughing weakly as she rubbed it between her thumb and index finger.


"God's angels plumped from the sky. Like falling stars. His favourite soon to rule hell. Protector of souls. His favourite daughter to roam earth. Bonding the two realms together. Prophecy has it she'll meet her other half on earth because she'd bond with no angel." She sat back before licking the blood from her finger.

"Rana what does that mean?" I kneeled so she'd look at me. She pulled from her thoughts as I took her hand, no more blood leaving the wound. She raised her other hand and placed it on my cheek, tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"It means... You're partially divine. Like Chloe Decker, the human who makes Lucifer mortal in her presence. You make me mortal in the sense that only you can kill me." I fell back onto my butt, rubbing my face.


"I saved your life. Divine intervention which isn't supposed to happen Zak. You were supposed to die but you didn't."

"I don't have wings. I don't have any odd abilities." I ran my fingers through my hair. Rana got down on the ground with me and chuckled.

"But you do. You can communicate with the dead better than any human I've met. Yet you could be immortal when I'm around... Slowly aging now... Who knows? You're only one of a handful." I was scared yet when she sat down against my deck and I placed my head on her shoulder, I wasn't so worried. I took her hand and kissed the back before taking a deep breath.

"I don't know what to think. I could be aging or not aging. Divine with humanity in a blender." I lifted my head and locked eyes with her.

"Do you trust me?" I nodded before placing my hand on her cheek and pulling her to kiss me. Yet I found myself pulling her into my lap and digging my nails into her hips. If she was a drug then I wanted her enough to kill for it. To my irritation the door opened and I scooped her up, curisng under my breath.

"Well well. Get it sister." Lucifer chuckled closing the door as we got up. "Don't stop on my account. I'll watch or join."

"Hush Luci. You were right." Rana fixed her blouse before motioning to me. "Apparently I saved Zak's mother when she was pregnant with him. I interfered with humanity and therefore-"

"Lacing Zak with hints of divine intervention." Lucifer finished and approached me as Rana spoke.

"Lucifer. I poked myself with a tac and it didn't bleed. When he poked me. It-"

"Bleed." Lucifer looked in my eyes, smirking. "Well well. My sister's humanity wrapped up in a paranormal package." He moved away before leaning against the desk. "So is that all you two got done while I was gone? I'll have you know Charles Manson isn't a fan of the decor in his room. Good ole Bella Lugosi is asking if someone would clean his damn mirror. I'd do it, but there is some plexiglass blocking my way." It was then that I couldn't help but laugh. With the guys the knew paranormal and felt it like I did. Yet the devil himself was cracking jokes about the monsters roaming my halls.

"Alright. Tell him we'll get to it." Rana coiled an arm around my waist and I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. I think I could get use to this truth. That I was suppose to be a part of her world and she was suppose to be a part of mine.

Lucifer's Angel (GA with Lucifer crossover)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن