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Rana POV

Two months five days one hour and twenty four seconds to be exact, but who was counting. It was that long ago that I'd felt excitement run through my dead soul. I glanced to my phone before pouring another glass of wine.

"Is Lucifer here?" I glanced behind me to see Chloe the human detective and detective douche as Lucifer called him. His real name was Dan and he happened to be Chloe's ex-husband.  I shook my head before taking a sip of my glass.

"Last time I saw him he was walking out that door to find you detective."

"Well we've got a missing body and only he can do that weird desire thing on our suspects and witnesses."

"Well he is the only devil." I mumbled before downing the glass.

"What is it with this whole devil thing?" She sighed and started walking towards the door. "Thanks anyways." I raised my hand in a wave. Only when I heard the door click did I knock on the bar.

"She's gone. Why are you dodging her again?" I refilled my glass to finish off the bottle as Lucifer rose from behind the bar.

"Well detective douche is joining her on this case. Therefore I am not. Imagine the next week with him!" Lucifer scoffed as he glanced to the empty bottle. "You on the other hand dearest sister seem bothered."

"I was hoping for a call from the ghost adventure boys. You go on these adventures with Chloe and I'm stuck here." I motioned to the empty lux behind me except for Brutus who was laying on the dance floor. "Brutus you don't count." Lucifer smirked slightly and pulled out another bottle for me as I ran my manicured red digit along the filled glass.

"I hate to admit it, but I think we do have feelings dear sister. The draw you have to the one man maybe be something out of your control."

"I can feel that he's okay. I charged that rosary." I looked to him for a moment before my phone buzzed. Here was my ticket to entertainment.


I sat at my desk rubbing my temples from the sheer headache. Aaron was fiddling with a clicky pen in the chair in front of my desk.

"Can I fucking help you?" A grumble escaped me as I nearly slammed my hands down on my desk and raised my head to look at him. He stop clicking before he sat a memory card on my desk.

"O hi how are you." He sat forward and pointed at the chip. "So I was reviewing the footage from when we met Rana." My blood went cold and goosebumps dared to raise on my skin. I tuned him out for a moment as her icy eyes appeared in my mind. Every night I had a dreamer about her dying because of me. Different ways and demons always involved. I'd been too scared to even call her in fear that it would all come true. "Zak.... Plug in the fucking card." I blinked and picked it up, shoving it in my computer. "Scrub to the church fourteen minutes in exactly. Look at her reflection in that broken glass bro." I did as he said and felt a chill go up my spine.

Her reflection was half melted and darker. The camera was facing the back of her head as we walked into the pew. Faintly I could see white on one side and darkness behind the other. One eye even looked to be red.

"Zak... You think a demon has a hold on her." I nodded yet knew the truth. Half demon and half angel.

"Yeah.... Let me give her a call. I'll see if we can get her out in Las Vegas." He nodded before walking out and closing my office door. Her number had been burned in my brain from all the times I'd almost called. It only rung for a second before she answered.


"Rana. It's me Zak. Do you have a moment?" She sighed softly.

"I've got a few. What took you so long to call?"


"A lie, but continue." She nearly hissed the words and I was amazed how she knew. I found myself to be a great white liar, though to someone like her it appeared so obvious before I could even get the whole sentence out.

"Aaron saw you. Your reflection of well your good and dark side. I told him it was a spirit and I'd call to check on you. Plus I still need to pencil you in for my house. It's gotten worse since I met you."

"There lies the true reason you haven't called. Don't lie to an angel Mr. Bagans. We can sense it. The things in your house sense your newly blessed cross." I glanced down to my chest, reaching into my shirt to pull it up and examine it. For a moment the center of it shimmered. "Blessed by an angel. Pretty light isn't it? The demons in your house are scared of it. Scared of me of course. Probably plaguing your mind at night with horrors of me dying because that is what they want."

"Rana. How do you know all this?" I had goosebumps going wild along my arms.

"I gave you some of my energy Zak in that very rosary around your neck. I wanted to make sure you were safe. Yet too prideful to call in pain." I hated how much she could read me. I wanted to hang up without a word. Being an alpha male was always something I felt once I'd gotten this gig going.

"I'll see you when you get here." I hung up and sat back before rubbing my face. She'd surely find the place without directions or instructions. I took off the rosary and glanced down at it in my palm before closing it in a drawer.

Maybe now I was more scared of her than the demons in my home and museum. She was out in the free world with a body and they were locked in boxes. Or maybe I was too afraid to admit I was catching feelings for a woman I couldn't understand.

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