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Hopefully you all like this so far!

Rana POV

I watched his chest rise and fall, still fast asleep from last night's activities. A smirk crossed my lips before I pressed a kiss to his chest, a groan escaping him. His arms coiled around me as he pulled me to his chest and turned fully on his side.

"Good morning darling." I whispered and received another whine. "We've gotta get up." Another groan as he ran his hand down my back and to my bum, squeezing roughly as I laughed. "You can't handle me this morning." A smirk ran across his lips as he halfway opened one of his eyes. "Ah a challenge wakes you up." His arms yanked my closer to his naked form before I pressed a kiss to his forehead "If you didn't sleep in so late then maybe we would have, but you need a shower as do I." A groan came from off the side of the bed. "Brutus is starting his shit early as well. So I'll feed the dogs. You shower first."

"Fine as you wish." He released me and got up, walking ass naked to the bathroom. Even not being human I was staring, roughly biting my lip. "Caught in the act Ms. Morningstar. There is plenty of room for two." A growl almost escaped me as I got up, his eyes roaming my body like his hands did last night.

"If only we hand the time." I smirked and grabbed the sheet, wrapping it around me. He huffed and finally gave into getting in the shower. It wasn't long before the dogs were fed and out in the yard as I showered and got ready. Zak was sitting on the side of the bed, watching as I brushed out my hair in just my lace undergarments.

"You're a tease." He crossed his arms and stretched out his legs.

"Says the king of them. Is everything ready to go?"

"Only thing left is you." I tossed my brush into my purse before slipping on the jeans I'd laid out and the white t-shirt. Considering I'd be in a car for awhile, slippers were the only way to go for now. It wasn't long before the RV was outside and the four of us were lounging in the bus with the guys. Brutus was happily sitting up front and looking out the large front windows while Gracie was curled beside Zak.

The ride to New Orleans from Las Vegas? Long and boring like a children's play and the parents are forced to go to seem supportive. I spent most of it resting and of course getting ready to meet the supposed voodoo queen. Apparently related to Queen Mary I who was a real bitch if I do say so myself. When we got closer we stopped at the hotel and changed into smaller vans, the dogs staying back at the hotel to cause mayhem with one of the producers.

"Rana?" I glanced to see Aaron beckoning me out of the van. "We're here." I blinked and flashed a smile before getting out. My blood went cold as I glanced around. Slave quarters out in the distance and another van pulling in behind us.

"There she is Zak." Nick stated pointing to the other van. "Bloody Mary and her crew." I glanced to where he pointed before crouching down to fix my boot laces. They all went to chit chat as I wandered through the field, zipping up my jacket as I got closer to the cabins. I had a flashback and could see so many slaves standing around me, sunk in eyes and torn clothes. My body tensed as I walked through the hallucination until I was at the cabin. I could hear chanting and pushed open the door. Eyes locked on me until they disappeared and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I yanked and grabbed the person's neck, my pulse racing until I came to realize it was Zak.

"It's okay.... It's me." I let him go and glanced back to the cabin.

"It's haunted alright." I took a deep breath before looking around. "There were so many. They were watching me and there was a ritual happening. Then you showed up." A sighed escaped me before I claimed the cabin door. Already I had a shitty feeling about this.

"Well Bloody Mary wants to meet you."

"Great. Hi I'm the devil's sister. Half angel half demon, what can I do for you today." I grumbled and started wandering back through the field. "Is she at least friendly?"

"We're paying her. Of course she's friendly." A chuckled escaped him as we made our way back. He took lead and cleared his throat. "Bloody Mary I'd like you to meet -"

"Rana Morningstar." If my blood went cold one more time I was gonna stay in the van. I reached out my hand to her and flashed a smile. "I went to Los Angeles for a ritual. I saw your name all over a bar or maybe it was a club." Her smile disappeared when she felt my energy. "There is something very dark inside of you. We should cleanse you." A smirk dared to grace my lips.

"The darkness inside me.... It isn't going anywhere." I whispered it and patted the back of her hand. I moved away from her and motioned to the slaves quarters. "Your ancestors. They were here not at slaves. As buyers. Lavaeu is a very old name in Louisiana history."

"How did you-"

"I read history." I gave a nod before wandering off. She went back to getting ready for the ceremony, left bewildered by my statements. Louisiana had been my home many decades ago and being the immortal I am, I knew everyone. History was in my blood, quite literally.

Zak and the others changed into white shirts and the torches were lit. She began chanting and constructing a voodoo doll with each moment. Meanwhile, I could see faces and voices in the flames, like the souls and memories I saw earlier. They wanted to be set free from the dark memories that trapped them here.

The ceremony ended and Bloody Mary looked at me with wide eyes. She raised her hand, pointing a single finger at me.

"El Diablo." Her voice was a whisper as she fell limp into the grass. Her helper caught her and looked at me with fear. If only they got to meet my brother.

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