Brother Michael

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Rana POV

I saw him in all his light sitting in a pew, sandy hair and almost golden eyes. He looked to me and smiled before motioning for me to sit next to him. I knew the five humans behind me couldn't see him as did Michael.

"Father misses you dearest sister." The hairs on my arms raised.

"Best go ahead and set some of your things up. You'll hear him." I glanced to where Michael was beside me, his hand resting on my arm. I could feel his energy mingling with mine so that he was strong enough to communicate.

"He says you can come home. Why stay here-?"

"I can't leave Luci." I mumbled and looked down at my hands, his golden skin reminded me of home. I wanted to cry yet I held it in as much as I could. "Father has to forgive him.... he misses home just as much as I do. He just doesn't want to admit it."

"Did you say something?" I looked up to Zak watching me.

"I was talking to the spirits is all...." I looked back down and took a deep breath.

"I know Rana...." Michael sighed and kept his hand on me. "These men are strong. They are on the fence with you. They aren't divine, but they understand our world more than you think." Michael looked to Aaron and Nick who sat in the pew in front of me and turned around.

"Do you mind if you're on camera?" I shook my head and sat back.

"No just get my good side I suppose." Zak sat beside me and motioned to his device.

"This is a spirit box. We'll be able-" I raised my hand.

"I know.... Go ahead." Zak turned on the device and Michael smiled to me as Zak spoke.

"Who are you and why are you here?" He lifted his hand letting this awful white noise fill the air. My demon side wanted to play just from the awful sounds, yet I kept it contained. Michael was easy with them, speaking as if he couldn't get completely through the white noise.

"Angel.... Comfort" He stated and the voice came through perfectly.

"Who burned down this church?"

"Confused followers." Aaron rubbed his face in shock as they continued.

"What is your name? Can you tell us your name?"

"Michael.... son of God." Zak shot up and rubbed his face before taking a deep breath.

"Holy fucking shit dude!" Aaron did the same and Zak pointed to the machine.

"You all heard that right?!"

"Yeah! Keep going!" I felt my energy slowly draining, Michael was getting tired of holding his spirit here. After all he would need a body to stay here for a long time.

"Michael who are you here to comfort?"

"Rana." That was his last word before I watched his spirit return to the skies. Zak looked to me as he asked a question that wouldn't get answered.

"Why does she need comforting Michael?" Zak sighed as there were no more answers. I stood and brushed off my black slacks.

"He had to probably go back to heaven. Spirits can only stay down here so long." I looked to my watch before glancing to the sky. "The second address we should save for day light. It's too dangerous at night. We won't make it before the sun sets." I stepped past Zak yet he grabbed my hand. His energy mingled with my angel energy. The demon inside of me resting due to all the holy energy around me at the moment.

"Why?" I looked to where his hand grasped my wrist before he let go.

"That demon is too dangerous Mr. Bagans. Way too dangerous to face in the dark." I swallowed the lump in my throat at the thought of one of them getting possessed by Zakina. She was a fearless demon that I had met in hell. So fearless that she tried to steal Lucifer's throne even though she wasn't an angel. Only an angel could rule hell. Needless to say it didn't work and he condemned her to death in the spiritual sense. Demons lack souls so therefore she'd cease to ever exist. Lucifer hid her on earth out of sympathy. Though he'd never admit it. Zak nodded before motioning to the seat.

"We'll finish up, only takes about 15-20 minutes." I nodded and sat back down as they finished shooting what they needed. The two technicians working feverishly on their laptops to process all the data and make sure it was saved in multiple locations. My mind kept warning to the image of my brother behind me. I did miss home, but there was too much to leave behind here. Plus I should have never been banished in the first place. I felt my eyes burn red before I took a deep breath and blinked to hide that dark side of me.

Zak didn't lie when they said they would make it quick. We all got back in the SUV and they were all over the moon about what they captured yet I couldn't help but feel sad. Not cause of Michael, but his words. I was thankful they drove back to Lux without questioning where I wanted to be dropped off. Brutus was just fine at home with Maze checking on him since she didn't work tonight.

"Rana." I looked to Zak who seemed to have a genuine smile. "Thank you for that... It's bringing me closer to my goal of proving just how real the supernatural is in this world." I nodded before opening my door as the vehicle stopped.

"I'm glad you guys had a good time. I'll see you when you're ready to go to that apartment. My number is on the back of those addresses." I ended the conversation by closing the door and speed walking into the busy establishment. Lucifer saw me nearly run to the elevator as he sat at the bar, surrounded by women. I went to the penthouse and collapsed to the floor, my wings spreading. Sobs left my body as I heard Lucifer approach behind me. All he did was hold me as emotions flew through my veins.

"Rana -"

"I saw Michael. Father wants me home but I won't lose you Luci! I refuse to go home without you." I hugged his stone cold form. It seemed even still heaven's angels were divided.

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