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I know a lot of people aren't reading this and that's okay. To those reading I hope you enjoy 😌 voting keeps me going too.

Rana POV

"We're here." The van stopped and my stomach knotted. I knew we were here. I'd been here plenty of times. I nearly froze seeing a figure standing on top of the hill, across from the hellfire club. Yet in a mere moment I knew who it was just by his stance. I climbed out of the car and started heading in his direction.


"I'll be right back!" I hollered back to Zak. The man turned to all the voices yelling behind him. His classic smirk crossing his lips.

"You think I'd let you come here alone?" Luci grinned before wrapping an arm around me in a hug. Black suit and red handkerchief adorned his physique.

"You never cease to amaze me brother. I am surprised." I pulled away to look over the building. I could feel it. The sheer darkness pouring from wounds of the building. "I'm scared just looking at it to be honest."

"Because you know the darkest part of yourself lies in there." I nodded as Luci took out a flask. He took a swig before offering it to me, which of course I didn't decline.

"It can hurt them all. Suck the life from them."

"Yes well your human boyfriend is starting to think he's divinity. Mr. Invincible." Lucifer chuckled slightly as did I. Amenadiel was standing in front of the building causing a loud screech. It was the sound that resembled a banshee. Yet I knew it was the part of me that resembled Lucifer more than Lucifer himself. "Shall we?" Lucifer motioned to the path down to the building.

"Sure let's piss it off some more." I groaned as we began our descent. Amenadiel looked to me and got the usual grin when seeing Lucifer.

"Couldn't miss the show." Lucifer took a sip of his flask. "Gotta see if that little sliver of me still has it." Zak sighed and adjusted his jacket then his hat.

"Well when the others come up here make sure there isn't any funny divine business going on. We haven't told them yet." Zak then turned his attention to the building. I was glad they'd already gotten the interviews over with and the area locked down. Though it felt even less safe now. I made sure Aaron and Zak had their rosarys on before the cameras began to roll. As they went inside I swore I saw myself in one of the windows.


"Hello?" I closed the door behind us and felt my chest tighten. "Aaron I'm gonna go take a look downstairs."

"Are you sure you wanna split up?" I nodded before swallowing the lump in my throat. My hand was clutching my all spectrum GoPro and the other clutching a turned off spirit box.

I made it downstairs and the only piece of furniture I could see on my camera was a chair. My body was coursing with electricity.


"Hi." I turned around and felt my breath catch in my throat. Rana or at least what looked like her stood before me. Yet her body wasn't in the red sundress as she was wearing outside. Her body was wrapped in a black dress, a slit down either side of her legs all the way up to her hip bones. Golden jewelry adorning her neck, ears, and arms. "So you're Zak."


"A piece of her." She smirked and approached me. I fell back into the chair and she climbed on my lap. I felt like I was dreaming. My pulse was pounding loudly in my ears as she examined me. "So you're the man that is going to kill me." She giggled and ran a sharp nail down my neck, fangs growing. "Every version of me. Gone because of you."

"What-what do you mean?"

"You're the man that ends me... Ends every version of me." I was in a trance as her hand stroked me cheek. I felt like a sailor and she a siren, controlling me completely. Her lips found mine, her hand around my throat and I felt like I couldn't breathe. She pulled away and in a swift movement it felt as if her teeth sunk into my neck as I yelled.

"Zak!" I blinked and I was standing by the door still, I gasped and ran up the stairs, holding my neck as I ran into Aaron. "What the fuck happened?! What did you see?!?"

"I- I need to go outside." I gasped as I pushed through the front door, dropping my equipment and falling to my hands and knees as I choked.

"Zak?!" I heard Rana and looked up, red dress as I remembered and sighed with relief. "Fucking hell! Amenadiel! Come look!" Her brother ran out of the building and looked to where she was pointing on my neck. "You're bleeding what happened?!"

"You- she bit me." I reached for my neck yet there was only a tiny bit of blood. "Aaron are you okay?" My heart rate was calming down. Aaron shook his head.

"I got stuck in a trance with this dark figure. I swore it was the devil and it touched me. Next thing I know I hear you screaming." Rana took the recorder from where I dropped it and sat in the dirt. She held it to her ear and nearly froze as we all heard her voice.

"You are my death." It was as if the whole conversation and movements were in my head because those were the only words that came through. Rana was reluctant to let me go back in without Amenadiel right behind me and off camera the whole time. The only other thing that came through was when I asked what touched Aaron. The devil yet it was darker than the human form that stood outside and didn't seem all that bad. It wasn't as bad as the part Rana we left behind at that building.

Only as we drove away did I feel a small piece of relief. Yet what did she mean?

Lucifer's Angel (GA with Lucifer crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora