Viva Las Vegas

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Rana POV

It was only the next day before I was in the sweltering heat of Las Vegas. It had been only a few years since I'd been here and nothing seemed to have changed. I stopped the car outside of the haunted museum, a chill running up my spine as I heard whispers.

"Well are we going in or what?" I glanced beside me to look at Lucifer, red eyes and grinning. "I hear some of my old friends are in here."

"Shouldn't you be going to see Candy?"

"You mean my fake ex wife?" He chuckled and walked ahead. The door was locked yet it didn't stop two Divine angels from going inside. There were cars parked around the building meaning the staff was at least in and had turned off the alarm.

The moment Lucifer and I stepped inside it was as if everything in this museum held a story. Voices filled my ears and the air was so freezing cold that goosebumps set the hairs on my arms straight up. Lucifer locked the door behind us before we proceed. Our footsteps couldn't be heard even to us, giving us more time to browse without interruption.

"Well... Your panty dropping human seems to have a infatuation with the paranormal. Far more than I had expected." I nodded and wandered into a room. I could hear the demons whisper my name and Lucifer's. Pleading to be sent back to hell instead of in the possessions they were contained to in this world.

"Now now Katalina." Lucifer chuckled tapping the top of a coffin shaped box. "You thought it would be funny to sit on top of my throne. That's your own fault darling demon." I chuckled until the real thing that scared me came along.

"Can I help you two?" I spun on my heels to see a large beefy human in my way. His head was shaved and the word security across his chest. Lucifer grinned and took a step ahead of me.

"Now sir what is it you desire." His eyes flashed red and the guy was in a trance, staring straight at Lucifer.

"I... I want to open up my own bakery. Not work here its too fucking creepy at night." He whined as I smirked. Lucifer could get anyone to reveal their deepest desires just by looking at them.

"Noted Brian." Lucifer and I looked to Zak's entrance into the room. "Go check out the funeral room." Brian blinked before walking away as Zak approached us. "Breaking into my museum? I didn't even see you guys jiggle the lock."

"I figured you'd be here. You have a lot of -"

"Old friends here." Lucifer cut me off to speak. He approached Zak and offered his hand. "The devil. Nice to officially meet you and know you understand who I am." Zak shook his hand before motioning to his museum.

"I'm sure you above anyone can tell me about everything here. Though I'm not sure why Rana brought you. I didn't mean to disturb your schedule." Luci shrugged and walked with his hands behind his back.

"I was curious what drew my sister to you. Now I seem to understand. I'm going to browse while you two conduct your business or fuck on the coffin. Personally my choice would be the devil's chair." He laughed to himself as he walked off. Zak's face was a shade of red after the statement.

"He's a interesting character." I stated before clearing my throat and sitting down in one of the many set up chairs. " Your museum puts us both on edge. All the voices asking to be released from these confinements. Though I could surely give you information on every one." He nodded and sat down. Only in the dim light could I see the grey under his eyes and the lack of a rosary around his neck. "You're nightmares are worse since we last spoke."

"It isn't even nightmares anymore. I hear them constantly."

"Cause you lack protection." I motioned to his neck before he sighed and dug in his pocket.

"I left it here yesterday after we spoke."

"Cause it scares you that I can sense it?" I crossed my legs and my arms. He shook his head.

"Cause you scare me. I don't understand you." His eyes locked on mine as he sat down beside me. I could feel the heat radiating off his body. A demon hissed from a relic nearby sending a shock of cold air past us.

"You never will. I'm not human in the sense that you are and well the women you hunt after." I glanced to him for a moment. "Enough about me. We have you to worry about. How are the others? Any afflictions?" He shook his head as I stood and sat on the floor before him. I took his hands and felt his energy. It wasn't weak but it was dark. Specks of evil chewing at the essence of his soul. I grabbed the rosary from between our palms and placed it around his neck.

Screeches filled the air so much that I placed my hands over my ears for a moment. They hated that he was safe. That they couldn't chew at him as he walked through these halls every day.

"You can't take this off here Zak." I removed my hands from my ears only cause he gingerly grabbed my forearms.

"Alright. I won't. What are you hearing?"

"They feed off of you. Off of every human in this building and every human that visits." He was searching my eyes as he stood and wrapped an arm around my waist. "The were screaming in anger."

"I'll keep it on I promise." His eyes flickered to my lips before he pressed his to mine. If Lucifer wasn't it in the building I'd surely have taken this farther than just a kiss. Yet I knew my brother would ruin anything more and pulled away. "I'm torn." Zak whispered.

"On?" I mumbled as his forehead was resting against mine.

"Knowing damn well you're thousands of years old and divine and wanting nothing more than to do humans things like take you to dinner and show off my museum to you." I chuckled slightly before pressing another kiss to his lips. He had that famous smirk showing when I pulled away.

"I'm always up for dinner and a scare Mr. Bagans. If that's what you desire." I mumbled before pulling away. "Carry on with the tour?"

"My pleasure Ms. Morningstar."

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