Next Adventure

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Rana POV

It took Zak some convincing of his friends for them to even agree to continue ghost hunting. Especially Nick, who seemed willing to let Zak venture off on his own. Especially after what they'd witnessed I didn't blame them. I joined them for dinner in a nearby establishment that was more so a diner than anything else. A look of disgust was hidden as I plucked a french fry off my plate. It was more limp than Lucifer's manhood when someone mentioned God.

"I think you should join the team on particular hunts Rana. If we feel they're too dangerous and such. " Aaron looked to me and then Zak. "What if she didn't know what to do Zak? You could be Zakina right now if it wasn't for her!" Aaron rubbed his head, a seemingly nervous habit.

"I- I can't leave Los Angeles for long. Lux and well my dog Brutus." I silently cursed myself at the thought that I hadn't been home to check on him today. Zak was rubbing his chin in thought before looking back to me.

"Of course. I think you'd be a great addition to the team. We'd let you do the research on how dangerous these potential spirits could be and you wouldn't even have to be on camera." That was good cause I knew how some viewers could be and doing research on Rana Morningstar wasn't an easy task. Doctored photos, birth certificate, and anything before the past two years was nearly nonexistence.

"Definitely a plus." Nick's phone began to buzz as he excused himself. Aaron took the chance to move out of the booth and go use the restroom. Only once both were gone did Zak really focus on me.

"I gotta ask... Why save me? Why murder one of Lucifer's demons?"

"Zakina broke rules. Possession is Lucifer's biggest no no rule. Though he's handed down a banishment sentence for less. Plus Michael spoke highly about you Zak. You're human with what I would call abilities. Abilities to touch into our world." He took in my words before taking a deep breath.

"We leave back to Las Vegas tomorrow morning." I felt my body grow cold as I sunk back into the booth. Abandonment. It's definitely my biggest issue cause everyone does have to leave.

"Ahhhh well I'm sure you'll all call about a case down the line." He looked to me and reached to touch my hand. Signs of affection are a foreign language to me, but this seemed like one.

"Rana I'm coming back."

"Why would I care?" I stated harshly before pulling my hand away. "I've seen so many people come and go. Do not feel guilty. You're just lucky you actually know the truth." He was chewing at my walls of protection I'd built around me. Why I hadn't a clue. Maybe Lucifer was right. Maybe this was father's way of luring me into a trap of some sorts. "Why do you care?" My eyes locked on his as he sat back and crossed his arms.

"Because something in me is drawn to you." I rolled my eyes before mirroring his pose.

"Yeah everyone is drawn to Divinity."

"What if I said you look familiar? The first time I saw you didn't feel like the first time." I tilted my head, more curious now because while yes I was drawn to him in a manner I wasn't accustomed to, there had to be more than just emotions.

"I would say I feel the same Zak, but I don't forget a face. I'm certain I've never met you before. Someone who looks like you yes, but not you. Maybe your energy." I sat forward to take a sip of my water, though changing my mind at the lack of cleanliness of the glass.

"You're strange." He chuckled as I shot a glare.

"I'm immortal and won't even drink from this glass Mr. Bagans. Which means you mortals probably shouldn't even be eating in this establishment. Strange is my normal." I glanced to him, sucking my teeth for a second. "When you aren't hunting paranormal activity, what are you doing?"

"I run a haunted museum in my free time. My mother sometimes helps out. She'll even watch Gracie my dog when I am off hunting." He looked down in thought as I looked past him to see his friends approaching. I stood and cleared my throat, motioning to the waiter.

"I'm sorry to cut this short but I've got to go. Lux is calling me to return." Zak got up as his two friends said their farewell to me in the form of the hug. They'd pulled energy from me, buzzing with calmness as they pulled away.

"I'll walk you to your car Ms. Morningstar." I handed the waitress two hundred dollar bills before her eyes grew wide. The Morningstar name was something to be known for giving into others desires. I followed after Zak towards my black Audi R8 out to the side of the diner. "When will I see you again?" He mumbled as I glanced back to him and unlocked my car.

"When you've got another good haunt."

"What if I told you my house was haunted?"

"I'd say you're full of shit." He chuckled slightly before opened my passenger door so I could toss my purse inside. "A demon or regular human spirit?"

"Considering the items in my house? Demon." He closed my passenger door before we walked around to the driverside.

"Well I would say schedule me in Mr. Bagans." I found his eyes glistening in the moonlight. Maybe it was the specks of darkness around his soul is what drew me to him. I fixed the collar of his shirt before clearing my throat. "It was lovely to meet you. Take it as a honor that you're the only human to know divinity." I was going to continue talking yet he grabbed my chin and pressed a kiss to my lips before his eyes flicked from looking to my lips to my eyes.

"Was that a mistake?" He whispered before I returned the kiss.

"I'll see you again soon." He opened my driverside door and let me slip into my seat before closing it. It was now that I wanted Lucifer to find out his deepest desires.

Lucifer's Angel (GA with Lucifer crossover)Where stories live. Discover now