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Rana POV

April 22nd was finally here. I couldn't help but wake up with a smirk just at the thought of entertainment. Yesterday I'd spent sulking at my Malibu home by the pool with a bloody cocktail in my hand. I sat up glancing around my bedroom, I could see the ocean from a short distance out the balcony window before it hit me. The utter silence and sensation of being completely alone. How quickly the smirk left as I laid back down and looked at the ceiling.

This had pretty much been my existence considering the lack of aging I was doing on earth. Every fling had to leave at some point since there was no explaining the lack of grey hair. I turned on my side and hugged my giant pillow as Brutus trotted down the hallway and jumped onto the bed to join me. He was mostly black with white paws and the tip of his tail white. A mutt in the most literal sense of the word.

"Yeah. I know I shouldn't sit here and complain, but -" He groaned and stretched out. "Yes I know you're tired of hearing it, but-" He huffed and got off the bed. "You're just gonna walk away?" I sighed and got out of bed, knowing Brutus was merely just hungry and cared nothing about my dilemma. My house seemed to carry on the theme of who I was as a 'halfie'. Part demon and part angel. Maybe father thought this would bring about balance in the world all the while tear me in half. Part of me wanted to help the world and the other half wanted to set things on fire and watch it all burn. Father surely did punish me to say the least.

I hurried through my morning route of feeding, walking, and entertaining Brutus before I rushed to get ready. Black slacks and the tallest red bottom heels I could find in my extremely large closet with a slightly see through white blouse. I checked my watch before cursing, surely I wasn't going to make it to Lux in rush hour traffic so wings was the best option. I wandered out onto the balcony and away I went into the city. People never saw angels or demons in flight, not to say we were invisible, but due to clouds and such.

I landed on Lucifer's balcony, fixing my blouse as my wings went back into hiding. His penthouse oozed darkness in ever sense. Red and black with ancient decorations courtesy of me. The door was open, allowing a chilly morning breeze to enter and of course me. I could see his sleeping form wrapped in the silk black sheets, a chuckle escaping me. The devil could sleep like the dead through anything. I turned on his fancy coffee maker and fiddled around with it till I had a small espresso glass filled in my grasp.

"Wake-up Luci."

"Unless this is a booty call Rana no." He groaned as I clicked the button for the curtains to rise about two inches. "Why must you torture me?"

"I made you coffee. Take it or leave it. Plus we have guests coming today." He slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes before taking the glass as I sat down on the side of his bed.

"Yes and you wouldn't be bringing it up if you didn't have a plan."

"I'll take them around LA after you give them the you are the devil nonsense." He sipped his coffee with a raised brow. "I know a church that's blessed by Michael-"

"Our holiest ass kissing brother Michael?" I nodded before clearing my throat.

"Once they believe fully then I can take them to see our little friend in the box." He smirked, his red eyes peeking through.

"Ah my favourite banished demon. Be aware she'll feed off your energy Rana. She can cause damage even to me in this world."

"I've visited her before Lucifer. She's weak, but I'll give her enough energy to maybe move some things around in that abandoned establishment." He handed me his empty glass before laying back down.

"Today should be thrilling for you. What time is it?"

"Nearly four which means they should be arriving within the hour." He groaned and closed his eyes.

"Well go downstairs and wait for them. I guess I best be getting dressed." I got up and Lucifer got out of bed, naked as usual. I chuckled as he glanced back at me. "Well Rana if you like what you see I can surely give you a reminder of why I'm king."

"No thanks Luci." I nearly cackled at his statement as I went to the elevator and hit the button to go downstairs. Already there were a few people in Lux, mainly the constant alcoholics. Then I saw them sitting in a booth, glancing around. I felt cold and drawn to them, there was a black cloud floating over them in my eyes. The essence sensed me and vanished out of Lux. Before I even had my thoughts processed I was walking over to them.

"You must be our guests. I'm Rana, Rana Morningstar." The one I knew as Zak stood and shook my hand. It zapped me slightly, he was so charged with energy even my angel side could feel it and wanted to feed off it.

"Zak and this is Aaron and Nick." His grey eyes were locked onto me as I shook the other two guest's hands.

"Lovely to meet you all." I was stuck it felt like, until those grey eyes stopped staring at me and moved to Lucifer. It felt as if the oxygen was stuck in my chest, a rare sensation for me nonetheless. I moved out of Lucifer's way and tuned the voices out to read the energy. There was something different about the three of them. They weren't your average nerds walking around with ghosty wands and such. No they were in our world. Sensing energy and feeling spirits. As if they were part warlocks or something.

"People don't believe I'm the devil, right Rana. Rana are you here?" I snapped out of my thought.

"Who would when you're such a charmer?" I chuckled and glanced to them. "However I do have something to offer you all instead." I smirked and sat back. Now I was in control and it felt so good.

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