You began to bite down on your lip as warm tears started to spill over. Your breath was hitching here and there as you tried to hold back sobs. Your legs felt weak, which caused you to lean against something -- anything that you could that would support you. "Every action that you do, every word you speak, each one has more of a meaning than you understand." You paused as you caught your breath, looking down at your hand that was tightly holding onto your shirt. "I should have stayed away from love. After what happened to my family, I should have realized that anything like this was lowering my guard and armor."

"[Name]." He called out for you, even though it was only a whisper.

"I should have stayed defensive. This is a war larger than anything else that I have ever experienced, and I should have listened to my fears." You stared down at him. His emerald eyes were shimmering with tears that were threatening to fall and hit the floor's surface. They were pleading, begging for you to stop.

How naive of him. He is acting like I am saying these to attack and hurt him. I don't think that he is even understanding that I am saying these because I'm the one who is hurt; I'm the one who is bleeding from his negligence.

"I won't make the same mistake twice," you whispered before you turned around and walked upstairs in search for your sister. Liu was left at the foot of the stairs, his heart bleeding and crying from your defensive methods.

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

"That didn't go as planned," Sully grumbled as he kicked a stone into the pond. A plop echoed through the empty woods. The sun had begun to set, painting the sky orange and purple through the dead trees before the night would fall, causing the scene to go from serene to ominous.

"No shit, Sherlock," Liu growled to himself uncharacteristically. I looked around as the cold air began to sting at his scarred skin.

These scars, Liu thought as he closed his eyes and placed his hand on one of his many scars that were on his face. These scars represent my past -- my life that was left behind in the fray. I'm never going to be able to forget about it. He paused and looked over at the small pond that was in front of him. What about [Name]? Have I given her so many scars that she is never going to recover? Is she going to wake up in the night, screaming and crying because I did something that she is never going to forget and move on from?

He began to bite down on his lip until a familiar metallic taste filled his mouth. Just like his face, the rest of his body had become covered in scars, and his lip was not spared either. He chewed on his lip every time something was on his mind. With him working for Slenderman and having another person to share his body with, there was rarely a time that went by that granted him to leave his lip be. As his mind drifted to scars and [Name], he now thought of how it must have been unpleasant to kiss him.

"What are we going to do?" he sighed aloud. Liu never actually needed to speak so he could communicate with Sully, but they both seem to have an understanding that it would probably be less creepy than just staring while they conversed in their head. Don't even ask him about if he ever stared at anyone absentmindedly. He always would get incredibly embarrassed about it.

"I wish I knew. Do I look like the man who knows how to calm down a pissed off woman?" Liu face-palmed.

"I can see why you're so popular with the ladies," he grumbled as he shook his head. "Come on, I need your help! I'm practically BEN here."


"I'm drowning!" he shouted out. "I have no idea what to do about this, but I have to make this right! I don't know what I would do without her!" He paced back and forth, the shuffling he made deafening him to the man (or demon) that was sauntering up behind him.

"Now now~ you should know that you shouldn't talk about such tragedies here." Liu's eyes widened before he jumped around, grabbing his knife that was locked into its sheath on his belt. Zalgo was standing confidently in between two trees, a small smirk on his lips.

"What are you doing here?" the brunette growled angrily.

"Oh, lil' old me?" the demon asked innocently. He held back a large grin before he began to wander around. "Is it a crime to just wander through the woods during winter? It looks like we're going to get some snow, soon, so it's nice to see everything dead before the snow seems to give it new life."

"Don't play so innocent. We both know that it is against the rules for an Operator to enter another's territory unless they are invited!"

"And yet, Slendy seems to let Splendorman to wander in whenever his little old heart desires him to."

"Splendor gets his own form of punishment," Liu growled, his stance keeping defensive.

"Oh, come on! With all of that drama that you and your girlfriend have been cooking up, how could you expect me to keep away?" The words hit him like ice, and he went frigid. "Did I hit a nerve there~?" he purred happily. "You know, an Operator can choose the memories and emotions his or her Pr¤xy. Slendy could easily just let them slip away. We are most definitely strong, so don't think that you are on the same level as us."

Why are you telling me this? Jeff is the one with the God complex.

"I know he wouldn't do that," Liu said. "We're a family, and family doesn't pull that bullshit."

"Well, I'm not your family," Zalgo chuckled. "That [Name] girl has something special about her that you don't even understand. Her sister does, too. I guess it would make sense why Slenderman would be so intent on having the two of them working for him." He began to hum, seemingly not worrying and minding that fury was erupting in in Liu.

He charged, but the demon was able to sidestep and summon four demonic arms and hands, which grabbed him and roughly shoved him against a tree. "Now now, you are a wild one, aren't you?" the demon chuckled.

"I won't let you touch her," Liu growled, nothing but anger and rage pulsing through his sense.

"Let me touch her?" He began to smirk and leaned in, whispering to him, "See? I warned you not to think that you were on par with an Operator." The hands that were constricting Liu suddenly threw him into the pond, which was much deeper than he would has assumed. Once more, he was held down, but this time Zalgo had summoned something similar to tendrils that had wrapped themselves tightly around Liu. His eyes widened with panic, and he felt the ice-y cold water surround him. He began thrashing around -- or attempting to -- but it was no use.

The blurry image of the demon hovered above the water but slowly left. Liu and Sully began to attempt to swear and scream, but another tendril was wrapped about his mouth. It covered his mouth and nose, and after so many minutes, his limbs grew tired. His eyes grew heavy as his need for oxygen grew, and the last thing he saw before he passed out was light, white snow seemingly falling from the sky.

Sharp Instincts (Yandere! Homicidal Liu X Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now