CHAPTER 38- Outing Myself.

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"Hey Jess?" I was laying on the couch on my phone. I had gotten some money for my birthday, to save for college, but I kept some of it out and wanted to do something with it. I had just thought of what I wanted to do and had researched how much it would cost.
"Yes?" He brought something to the microwave and started it.
"Can you drive me someplace?"
"Vee, you have your license. You can drive yourself."
I gave him the kitten face. "Pleeeeease?"
He sighed. "Fiiine."

I have decided that it's time to stop hiding. Vee and I have been meeting up every day for almost three weeks now. I'm positive I'm bi, at least for Vee.
At lunch rush-hour I managed to make my way through the crowd to Vee. He walks alone most of the time, so I just had to get to him.
"Hey Vee," I said, and he turned to face me. Then I grabbed his hair and kissed him hard on the lips. There were gasps all around us, and Vee stiffened in surprise. He relaxed quickly though, putting his hands on my waist. I didn't want us to get out of control, so I broke the kiss there.

"I don't think I'm hungry anymore." I said to Summer. She nodded an okay.
Seth. He's dating Seth. The one that bullied him and me all of last year. That's his new boyfriend.
And I just watched them make out in front of the whole school.

Sorry for the delay! I wasn't getting any ideas and my old draft for this chapter was deleted. I hope you enjoyed it!
~Snake Eyes

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