CHAPTER 20- R.I.P. My 'Prince' Shirt.

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Drew and I were walking to his house after school, about a week after it started again after summer break, my arm around his waist. The sky had darkened early, due to the dark grey-purple storm clouds slowly making their way across the sky. Drew's house was about ten blocks from Northside, but his parents both worked until six and he didn't have enough money for his own car yet, so we walked to his house every day. After the school was out of view we turned onto a different road, cutting through an alleyway to shorten the walk. Only thing was, the alleyway was literally the longest alley I'd ever seen, so we still walked quite a ways. As soon as we entered the alley I heard an all-too-familiar voice behind us.
   "Fleur," Seth barked at us and I whipped around, unwrapping my arm from around Drew's waist and turning around to face him. This is the first time he has had the courage to confront me since he mauled me in wolf form. We've just been glaring daggers at each other in the hallways when we see each other. "How's life treating you?" He sneered. "Still, ah," he made a gesture of cutting his throat and I growled at him.
   "Leave us alone," I said, gently pushing Drew forward as I turned to walk away. As soon as I'd turned around I felt someone on my back and cold metal pressed against my throat.
   "Why should I?" Seth snarled in my ear, pressing the switchblade more against my throat and forcing me backwards.  Drew's eyes widened in fear and he froze. "Personally, I think it's best to talk about your suicidal thoughts," Seth continued, his voice as sharp and cold as the blade pressed against my trachea. His voice got harsher. "Maybe then you'll finally know that you're not wanted." I tried to claw him, but he dug the blade deeper into my throat, close to cutting the skin.
   "You're a coward," he snarled into my ear, holding me still. "I thought that the first time you tried to kill yourself would be the last time this planet would have to deal with you, but I guess I was wrong, wasn't I? Oh, well," he pushed the knife deeper as I struggled, and I squeezed my eyes shut, a pained whimper came out of my mouth. "I guess I'll just have to wait until next time." To be honest, half of me didn't want to fight back to him, but if I was gonna die today it wasn't gonna be by Seth's hands.
   Suddenly there was a dull thud and Seth was off my back; I opened my eyes to see Drew pinned under Seth a couple yards away from me, Seth's switchblade aimed under Drew's chin. I saw terror in my boyfriend's eyes as he stared up at Seth's face. Before I could do anything two of Seth's gang had my arms pinned behind my back.
   "You little-" Seth cussed Drew out through clenched teeth. He laughed evilly. "You really thought you could help him?" Seth pushed the knife into the skin just under Drew's chin, beads of Drew's dark red blood starting to run down his neck. His face contorted in pain and fear. One of the guys holding me covered my mouth with a piece of cloth as I tried to cuss Seth out, struggling against the pain of my arms being forced into my shoulder blades.
   "Leave him the fuck alone!" I managed to shout through the cloth. Seth turned on me, staring at me over his shoulder as he pressed the knife deeper into Drew's neck, more blood staining the blade.
   "What can you do about it, huh?" He snarled at me. "What you gonna do?" I tried to bare my teeth at him, snarling through the cloth.
   "Oh, you're gonna kill me?" Seth feigned surprise. "Well, that wouldn't go your way, seeing as the first step you take towards me will mark the end of him." Seth dug the knife deeper, Drew's eyes beginning to roll back in his head. That was when I lost any care of the pain I felt.
   I kicked one leg backwards behind me, my aim serving me well; the guy holding back one of my arms immediately doubled over in pain and sank to his knees. I whipped around and socked the other guy in the face, then ripped Seth off of Drew and threw him against the wall. Rage filled my chest, along with a new feeling; a sort of emptiness.
   "Touch him one more time and I rip you apart," I snarled in his face, my voice low and eyes narrow, tightening my hand around his neck, and I could see in Seth's eyes that he knew that I meant it. I held my other hand out, claws unsheathed to their full two-inch length of curved talon-sharp black bone. Suddenly Seth's expression hardened and I felt a stinging pain across my stomach; I let go of Seth, putting my hand over the new rip in my shirt and feeling the thin line of blood across my abs. In the next second I was pinned to the ground, Seth's switchblade now pressed into my stomach.
   "So much for that plan," he snarled, his shoulder tensing. His foot was pinning one of my arms to the ground, his hand pinning the other, and his other leg holding my legs to the ground. Suddenly Seth was ripped off of me and a tall, muscular dark form held him up by the neck.
   "Touch my brother one more time and the last thing you see is your blood staining the wall." Jessie snarled in Seth's face, teeth unsheathed and bared, his voice dangerously low. His hand squeezed Seth's neck and Seth's eyes widened in fear, though he managed a weak nod. Jessie threw him to the ground hard and hissed; Seth scrambled to his feet and sprinted out of view, the two other guys quick to follow. Jessie turned around to look for me, but I was crouched by Drew.
   "Drew!" I said urgently in his face, lifting his head into my lap. His eyes were wide and blood ran down his neck, staining the collar of his shirt.
   "H-he tried to kill me," he said, his voice wavering.
   "He probably wouldn't have had the guts to actually kill you," I said soothingly. "He's gone now."
   "We have to get out of here," Jessie said. "How far away is Drew's house?"
   "A couple more blocks," I answered for Drew.
   "Let's go there," Jessie said, helping Drew to his feet. Drew almost promptly staggered backwards into me.
   "Everything's spinning," Drew said, putting a hand on his forehead. Jessie and I exchanged concerned glances, then I bent down and picked Drew up, holding him how you'd hold a small child, with his head on my shoulder and his legs on either side of my waist. He wrapped his arms loosely around my neck as I started walking, Jessie beside me.

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