CHAPTER 21- Pasta.

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Linked video is 'Blood' by In This Moment. It has nothing to do with this chapter, I just love this song and was listening to it while writing this.
Don't judge my music choice.

"Vee, what are you doing?" I asked as I felt my boyfriend's arms snake around my waist from behind. It was Friday. We were at my house; I was boiling water to make pasta for us since my parents were working late and Kilie was sleeping over at a friend's house.
   "Noothinn," he replied as he leaned down to rest his head on my shoulder. He rotated his head to plant a kiss on my neck, which caused me to blush.
   "C'mon Vee," I whined. "Not now, I'm trying to make you food."
   "Pleeeeease?" He begged, pulling himself closer to me.
   "Maybe later." I said, pouring the pasta into the pot once the water started to boil and turning down the heat a notch. He's been teasing me like this all day, kissing my neck or hands and sometimes even biting my neck.
   There were a couple seconds of silence before Vee said, "Wanna go out?"
   "Oh my God Vee," I said in exasperation. "What are you begging me for?"
   "Take a guess," he murmured, then moved my shirt to plant a kiss on the end of my collar bone. I blushed again.
   "O-okay, later, alright?" I said. "After we eat."
   "Deal," He unwrapped his arms from around me and walked over to the fridge, which allowed me to breathe again. "What kind of sauce do you want?"
   "I don't care, but there's an unopened can of Alfredo in the cabinet," I said, knowing that Vee preferred that sauce. Vee went over to the cabinet and grabbed the can, setting it on the counter beside me and using his claw to open it, then resuming his post hugging me from behind.
   "Are you done yet," he whined, setting his head on my shoulder again. I smirked.
   "Two or three more minutes," I said, moving to the counter next to the stove to reach into the cabinets above it for plates.
   "But that's too loooooong," Vee whined, following me.
   "Why are you so desperate today?" I asked him, smirking.
   "Because fifteen is the age of maturity for male Choronuses." He replied.
   "Okay then. What, is it mating season or something?"
   "No, mating season is February."
   "I will keep that in mind."
   Suddenly Vee flipped me around so that I was facing him and pressed me back against the counter. The next thing I knew his mouth was on mine and I was trapped. He put his hands on either side of me on the counter while I wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt him slide his hands to my hips, then he lifted me up and set me on the counter. Now my head was a couple inches higher than his was, so he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled himself against the counter. His shoulders were now pressed into my collarbone, my legs around his stomach. He licked my bottom lip for entrance, then lightly squeezed my hips when I didn't open my mouth for him, causing me to gasp. His tongue slipped inside my mouth and wrapped around my tongue tightly. I whined a little bit and wrapped my arms around his neck, massaging his scars gently, which gained a satisfying groan from him.
   In the back of my mind I heard a beeping sound, and I opened my eyes. I lightly pushed on Vee's chest to separate our mouths and said quietly, "Pasta."
   "Huh?" Vee gave me a confused look. I reached over to the stove and turned off the burner.
   "The pasta is ready," I said.
   "Oh." He obviously wished that it wasn't ready yet. He stepped back so that I could slide off the counter and grabbed the Alfredo sauce while I set the pot of pasta on the cutting board, since the pot was still hot. I didn't feel like going back over to the cabinet to get plates, so we just ate out of the pot.
   As soon as we were done eating Vee grabbed my hands and pulled me down the hallway to my room. He closed the door behind us and sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling me to sit on his lap. Then he looked at me with his begging face and said, "It's later now."
   I rolled my eyes. "I thought that little session in the kitchen would suffice?"
   "Nope," he wrapped his arms around my waist, letting his hands fall low so that he could hook his thumbs in my back pockets.
   "Fine," I said, putting my arms around his neck and giving him a quick kiss. "Hap-"
   Before I could finish my snarky remark Vee had pulled me back into another, deeper kiss. After a few seconds he finally pulled away.
   "Kiss me," he muttered, keeping his face a few millimeters from mine.
   "I just did didn't I?" I whispered back, and watched his pupils dilate, telling me that he was turned on by what I had just said.
   "Well," he continued. "Can you do it again?"
   I pulled his face towards mine and kissed him slowly, his soft lips molding into mine. He let out a low groan- lower than any sound I'd heard him make- and opened his mouth, using his tongue to part my lips and slipping his tongue into my mouth. He tilted his head to the side and I unexpectedly felt him lightly bite my lip with one of his fangs. He immediately made the pace of the kiss faster, putting his hands on my hips. I tightened my arms around his neck and he pulled me against him more. I ran my fingers though his messy black hair and suddenly felt him slip his hands under my shirt. The next thing I knew I was on my back with him straddling me.

(This is continued in the next chapter BTW)
-Snake Eyes

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