CHAPTER 23- Jessie Comes Out.

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Vee limped through the kitchen and I heard him drop his leg braces in his room. He came into the living room, but he stopped when he saw our parents.
"What?" He asked, looking between my mom and dad. Then he saw me sitting behind them in silence on the couch; I refused to meet his eyes.
"Where have you been?" Mom asked him, her eyes narrowed. Her voice was calm, but sharp as a knife.
"Wh-what are you talking about?" He asked, a nervous look in his eyes. "I was at my class."
"Really?" Dad crossed his arms. "I heard otherwise."
Vee looked between our parents. "What. . .?"
There was a moment of silence before our mother spoke. "You're not allowed to see Drew anymore."
"What?" Vee said, as if he was unsure that she had just said that. "Why? He's just a friend, why can't I see him!"
"Evidently he's a little more than a friend," Mom said. "You've been coming home later and later from school, saying you were 'just hanging out' with a friend, and it was always the same one! What were we supposed to think you were doing!"
Vee opened his mouth to speak but just stuttered. Before he could form any words, Mom continued.
"You aren't allowed to see him anymore, you aren't allowed to talk to him anymore," Mom glared at Vee when he threw his arms up in exasperation. "You-"
"So just because I love a guy I can't even think about him!" Vee said loudly. "This is bullshit!"
"Watch your language," Mom snapped. "You are not allowed to date him!"
"Why?!" Vee shouted back, rage lighting up his yellow eyes. "Because I'm gay?! You can't change my sexuality by restricting my ability to see my own boyfriend!"
"We can sure try!" Mom said loudly back.
Vee threw his arms in the air again. "This is so. . . Ugh!" He snarled in anger and paced a circle around the living room, his tail lashing behind him. He glared at our parents. "You can't change me, you can't change anything about me." He snarled, then disappeared into the hallway, I heard him slam his bedroom door closed.
I sat in silence for a second longer before I got up and followed him. I entered his room to see him plop down on his bed.
He saw me as I closed the door again and said, "How come whatever I do is wrong to them?" His voice was filled with different emotions.
"I don't know Vee," I said. My brother sighed and went to lean backwards but hit his head on the wall and cursed loudly. I sat next to him so that we could talk easier. He rubbed the back of his head where he'd hit it on the wall, his eyes starting to get a shiny look in them.
"Why can't they just accept me," he said. "I never did anything to them, did I?"
"I don't know," I said again. "Look, I want you to know that no matter what I will accept you, and you can talk to me about anything. Whether it's about Drew or not, you can talk to me." He looked at me and smiled gratefully for a second.
"What I don't understand is why you accept me," he said. "With their influence, yet you still accept that I'm not straight."
"Because you are my brother and. . ." I trailed off.
"And what?" Vee pushed me to continue my sentence.
"And I'm like you, in a way." I eventually said.
"What do you mean?" Vee asked. I could tell his brain was trying to process what I'd just said. "Wait. Are you gay?"
I nodded sort of sheepishly. "But not in your way."
"What do you mean, 'not in my way'?"
"I'm ace," I said. "I'd date a guy but not sleep with him."
"Well screw that! You're gay?!" Vee looked oddly. . . excited about this news. "Why didn't you come out earlier!"
"Because I didn't want to," I said. "But now you know."
"Hell yeah I know!" Yep, he was definitely excited. "Wait, how did you know I was sexually interested in other guys? I never told you that."
"Oh, believe me, it's obvious." I said. "The way you look at Drew, for instance?"
He crossed his arms and smirked at me. "Oh, is it? And how exactly do I look at Drew?"
"For one, you stare at his butt- don't deny it I've seen you looking," I said when he opened his mouth to do just that. "Second, a certain thing happens whenever you see a picture of him-"
"Oh, can it!" Vee hit me with his pillow. I laughed.
"Okay, but seriously though. Next time you jack off to him, please be quieter."
"MY GOD." Vee groaned and hit me again, then covered his face with the pillow. "I hate you."
"Why?" I laughed. "It's true! Your room is right next to mine, I hear pretty much everything you do Vee."
"That's not unnerving at all."
I rolled my eyes.
I just hope that Mom and Dad aren't too harsh on Vee now. I mean, that whole scene in the living room was pretty harsh, but I hope it isn't always like that. He wouldn't be able to handle it anymore. And I don't want him to try that again.

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