CHAPTER 1- Wolves.

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Welcome to the sequel to 'Hold Me Close'! Yeah sorry for that cliffhanger (no I'm not). Anyways, read on with the story!

I HATE wolves. Always have, always will. Now, though, I have more of a reason.

Gwen and I were sitting at the kitchen table, discussing the book she'd just finished reading, while my dad and her parents talked in the living room. Jessie was in his room, blasting rock music and generally ignoring life.
We heard someone knocking on the door and Gabe went to go get it, but when he came back he looked terrified and worried.
"Get to the infirmary," he told Alice-- Gwen's mom. "I'll meet you there." Then he ran back out of the room and I heard the door slam shut before we could ask why.
Alice shot a worried glance at my dad, then went to get Jessie to come out of his room while Dad went over to me and Gwen, who had stopped talking when Gabe had left and now looked worried. I exchanged a look with her and we both wordlessly followed Dad out into the drop-off room.
"Dad, what happened?" I asked as we made our way to the tunnel that led to the infirmary, Alice and Jessie following us.
"I don't know," he responded.
A few minutes later Gwen, Alice, Dad, Jessie, and I gathered just inside the doors of the infirmary, and waited for Gabe to return. Alice talked to the nurses, asking them if they knew what had happened. Suddenly I realized something.
"Where's Octaveus?" I asked Alice as she searched for a nurse that she hadn't already asked. She stopped and looked at me.
"He had to stay late for a school project," she said, then realization dawned on her face. "But it's been almost an hour past when he said that he'd be back, and I haven't heard from him since this morning." She started to panic, and I could tell that her mind was racing at a million miles an hour, trying to think of a reason that he'd be that late.
Before she could come up with an explanation, Gabe burst through the double-doors. His amber eyes were full of horror and fear, his ears flicked back. Alice ran up to him and was going to hug him, but he held out his hands to her and she froze. His hands were stained blood red. Gwen's eyes widened in horror when she saw and she and I moved toward the back of the room. Gabe talked frantically to Alice in French and she and Jessie joined me and Gwen standing at the foot of the first bed.
Gabe was moving to leave the infirmary when Theo kicked open the door-- quite literally-- and he jumped out of the way. Theo was carrying someone, his arms under their knees and shoulders. The person he was carrying was soaked in blood, clothes and all, and there were huge gashes slicing either side of their neck open, along with their chest. The blood from the cuts was dripping onto Theo's arms, turning them red, and leaving a trail on the floor behind them. The only part of the person that wasn't completely stained red was their face, which was tilted toward Theo. The skin that was visible on their face was a sickly grey-green color. At first I thought that they were a girl, because of the thin frame and shoulder-length black hair, but then I noticed that the arms were too muscular to be female. Something clicked in my mind, and I fought the urge to scream. I desperately searched the person with my eyes for some sign to prove me wrong, but then I saw something and my stomach dropped. The circular gold pendant with a red lotus flower on it, hanging from a long black chain around their neck.
Alice recognized her son seconds after they came through the door; she immediately broke down into tears and rushed to Theo's side as he gently laid Octaveus down on one of the beds. Gwen started crying, her eyes huge with horror, and Jessie stood back and stared at his brother, his eyes wide with disbelief. Theo gently wrapped his arms around Alice and pulled her away from Octaveus so that the nurses and doctors could see him. I caught a glimpse of Octaveus's face as the nurses swarmed around him; his eyes were rolled so far back into his head that only the whites were showing. His mouth hung open limply and there was a steady river of blood dripping down either side of his jaw, his lower jaw and the inside of his mouth and lips stained red. There was a line of blood on his temple and his hair was matted with the stuff. I joined Gwen and Alice in the Crying Committee and felt strong hands on my shoulders pulling me backward. At first I thought it was my dad, but then I saw him standing next to Theo and Gabe, assisting the nurses and doctors. 'Then who-?' Realization clicked in my mind. Jessie.
I turned to look behind me at Jessie, and I was surprised to see tears running down his face.

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