CHAPTER 4- Houston, We Have A Problem.

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SOMETHING'S WRONG. Vee's never missed a single full day of school without notifying the office, now he's missed three. I've been hearing rumors, mostly from the popular girls. One of them told me that her little sister told her that Octaveus's little sister Gwen hadn't been at her school for a couple days either, and today she'd come back, but she was wearing all black. People also said that the Fleur's family friend Anna was also wearing mourning colors.
When I got home from school I immediately asked my parents if they'd recently watched the news.
"No," my dad replied. "Why? Did something happen?"
'I sure hope not,' I thought, going to the TV and turning on the news. Now, to my parents, this was new. I hate watching the news; I could care less about all of the government's gossip or who's on who's hit list. But I was sure if something had happened to Vee, it would've gotten on the news somewhere.
My parents followed me into the living room as I turned on the TV to the local news channel. The weather reporter seemed to be talking about some flooding in Maine, reporting high levels of rain. Please have me just be paranoid, I thought to myself as the guy continued talking about weather. Please. Finally the weather reporter passed the screen off to another reporter, this time a lady, a grim look on her face. The volume was down so low that we couldn't hear what she was saying very easily, (we lost to remote to turn up the volume) but I didn't really want to. My stomach sank to my feet with dread.
Two pictures now dominated the right side of the screen. My parents stopped talking when the pictures came up.
The first picture was blurry, but I could see a large golden-brown animal-shaped form against a background of darkness (possibly the street), standing in the entrance to an alleyway. The photo looked to have been taken from a window, possibly three stories off the ground. The second picture was the most disturbing, probably because it was the most focused. A humanoid form was lying on the ground in the road, covered in red, while the same golden-brown animal stood over them.
The humanoid form was unrecognizable, but the reporter said, "A sample of the blood covering the street was taken to a lab and cleansed and tested for DNA. The data from the sample told that the blood had belonged to Octaveus Fleur, a French fourteen-year-old boy, recently new as a student at Northside High School. Young Fleur has been known to have various disorders, including a possibly fatal muscular disease causing poor muscle growth and therefore function in his legs. We have proof that just months ago Fleur tried to commit suicide but was stopped by when a family member pushed him out of the way. Authorities got to the attack scene seemingly moments too late--"
After that point I was no longer listening; in fact, I was no longer in the room. I retreated to my art studio. Usually art helps to calm me, but not this time.

The next day, Drew and I joined Anna and Gwen wearing black.

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