CHAPTER 34- Red Skull.

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Nothing more happened with Seth over the next three weeks. He still glared at me in the halls and tried to pick fights with me after school. The only difference was, whenever he tried to fight me he wouldn't try to push me down or pin me anywhere. Normally he'd pin me to a wall so I'd stop resisting.
   I opened my locker after seventh period and a note fell out. 'Oh great,' I thought sarcastically. Honestly, when was notes in lockers ever a good thing for a guy like me? I picked it up and read it.

Meet me in the alleyway on 72nd at 7. By the red skull.

(No, I did not spray paint a skull on the side of a building. It's a good landmark.)

'Well,' I thought. 'I guess I have a date tonight. Probably a violent one, but whatever.'

I was walking down the alleyway where Seth told me to meet him. God, he's probably looking for a fight or something. It was a terrible idea to come in the first place. 'Too late to turn back now,' I thought. I stopped in the place with the red skull just like he said, and waited for him. The skull was pretty good, I've gotta say.
   I heard a whoosh behind me and turned around.
    "You came. . .?" Seth asked quietly into the darkness.
    "Well, I didn't have much cho-" I was saying but was cut off when I was shoved against a wall. I felt the collar of my shirt being gripped in his fists. 'Oh, look who was right? That'd be me.'
    "You're right, you didn't." He said and then, before I could respond, the last thing I expected happened; his lips on mine.
   Everything started to spin around me and all I could focus on were his soft lips, moving evenly with mine.
   It wasn't like a kiss with Drew where it was soft and peaceful, this was hungry and lust filled. It was energetic and filled with so much anger, but a good kind of anger, it's hard to explain.
   It was a fast paced kiss too. I felt his lips leave mine but in the next moment I felt them again on the side of my neck, biting me, not enough to break the skin and inject me with the poison but enough to make me groan. I guess that turned him on because in the next second his lips were on mine again and I felt the hunger again.
   I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist (only because I knew he could support my weight) and he shoved me against the wall, our kiss deepening.
  It started with a bang and ended with a bang; I felt his hand slide under my shirt and I felt him feel my muscled back and the scars covering it before his hand slid back out and the kiss ended. He pried me from him and made sure I could stand without falling over before he disappeared into the shadows with only one whisper.
    "Tell anyone about this and I'll murder you." He murmured and then he was gone, leaving me alone in the alleyway.

~Snake Eyes

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