The Snap Reversed (Finale)

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Hey guys!! Here's the much requested ending of this hetalia x marvel crossover. Also prepare for endgame spoilers. Enjoy!
It's been five years.

Five years since the snap. It had taken what was left of the nations awhile to figure it out. Even then they got an answer that made their stomachs twist. The story was that an alien called the Mad Titian Thanos had stolen 6 Infinity Stones from different parts of the universe and then used them to wipe out half the population of said universe.

They had all spoken with the former avengers about how they tried to stop him but in the end failed. What was left of the avengers had managed to track down Thanos and the stones. Everyone was over joyed at this. They could finally have everyone back! They could finally have America back!

Now you may be wondering about that last part since all the other countries hate America, right? Well it turns out it wasn't that simple. In America and the other countries who had disappeared absents, all the others had come to realize they had taken the blonde for granted and now they finally get a shot at seeing him again.

Only it would never happen.

The former heroes had managed to track Thanos to some unknown alien planet. A few nations offered to go with them but some raccoon like creature told them that it was too dangerous for anyone who didn't know what they were doing. This brought about many a protest. They were immortal beings for crying out loud!! They'd lived longer than any of the avengers and now they were just getting benched?

The former avengers eyes left no room for argument about this. They had all lost someone in the snap that day. Friends, enemies, lovers, etc. So the nations sat and waited for them to return with the stones and (potentially) Thanos himself. They had been waiting in a meeting room in the avengers HQ for awhile now but when the former avengers walked in horrified looks on their faces, they knew something wasn't right.

"Well?" England had asked looking at the slightly shaking avengers. "Did you get the stones?" England's question was followed by shakes of the head that had sent them all into a panic. "Thanos destroyed the stones. And then Thor killed him." Captain Rogers had said a downcast expression on his face. "VHAT?!" Prussia had shouted glaring at the avengers whose expressions never changed from the look of failure. They had failed again.

"So we have no hope of getting our friends back?" Spain's voice was trembling at this so Romano had pulled him into a comforting hug while trying to hold back his own tears. He would never get to see his little brother again. Black Widow shook her head. "I'm so sorry for your losses.." She had apologized bringing Fourth a reality none of them wanted to face.

Everyone was gone.

And there was nothing they could do about.
As time went on, the atmosphere in the meetings had become depressive and tense. No one ever spoke. The only sounds that could be heard were the sobs of grief. They still had to hold meetings because of their bosses but none of them ever put any effort into it. It just wasn't the same without America boasting about his new hero plans or without Italy bugging Germany about pasta.

Some of the most cheerful people among them were dead and they just couldn't move on.

Normally when your a nation, fading away is just part of life but this time it was different. When nations fade its usually after their country has been completely destroyed. It was painful. They always knew some of them would fade eventually, it's just their way of life but they always knew when someone was going to fade.

Every nation would feel the loss of life along their kind so they knew what was happening. With the snap they didn't know what was happening and it shook them to their cores.

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