America x Belgium- Smile for me

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America gets harassed by a few of the nations after a world meeting and Belgium cheers America up. For Skynide33 btw.

The American's head turned at the sound of his name and sighed in relief when he saw it was only Belgium standing in the doorway. "Are you okay?" America nodded wiping any remaining tears from his face and gave giving the Belgian a fake smile. "Oh hey Belgium! Yeah I'm fine just a little tired is all. Nothing to worry about." America said flinching when Belgium stepped closer towards him her concerned expression never wavering.

"You've been crying..."

The words sent America into a slight panic and he started making excuses like "What're you talking about Belgium? Heroes don't cry" or "Your just seeing things, dude!". It was safe to say that Laura didn't believe any of them. Belgium sat next to America on the couch that America had been sitting on raising a hand to wipe a tear from his face. "Don't you lie to me America. I know bullying when I see it and I know that you couldn't take that abuse anymore!" Belgium exclaimed loudly which made America flinch at her loud tone of voice.

"Sorry. I just don't like the way the others treat you, it's just not right." Alfred's smile slowly faded as the Belgian spoke and slowly began forming in his eyes. Laura saw the tears and didn't hesitate in pulling the American personification close to her hugging with all the love and strength she could give. Tears slowly began to well up in his sky blue eyes and soon enough increased into full on sobs while Belgium stroked his hair and muttered soothing words to him.

"It's okay Alfred you're okay. You're okay." The Belgian muttered into America's ear as sobs gradually began to fill the small room. This went on for what seemed like forever with America crying his eyes out and Belgium trying her best to comfort him. Soon enough the crying stopped and the room grew quiet though sadness still lingered in America's eyes as well as concern in Belgium's own.

Belgium frowned when she noticed America wasn't smiling. After all everyone knew America for his big bright sunshine smile and happy go lucky personality so it felt so wrong to see America not grinning or at least smiling a little was a real punch to the heart.

Then an idea suddenly struck the European Nation

Grinning ear to ear, Belgium broke her embrace from around the American then proceed to grab his cheeks and stretch them as upwards as they would go making it look like Alfred was smiling. "Turn that frown upside down and smile for me, m'kay?" The gesture and kind words had Alfred's cheeks turning a nice shade of red making them feel slightly warm in Laura's hands. America tried to say something but it only came out as gibberish since he couldn't talk properly with the way the Belgian was holding his face.

Seeing this Belgium released his face and rubbed the back of her head sheepishly seeing the American pout childishly at her while he was rubbing his now aching cheeks. "What was that for?" America asked causing Belgium to stop looking sheepish and start looking serious. "I didn't like seeing you so sad. Forgive me but it's a look that doesn't suit you very well and resembles that of a kicked puppy." Belgium explained to America who stopped rubbing his cheeks and looked at her curiously.

"Yeah but why're being so nice to me? It's not like you owe me or anything.." Belgium looked a little confused at the words America was saying so he decided to elaborate. "It's just ones ever this nice to me. Usual people can't seem to get past my 'winning personality'" America clarified for her which made Laura feel even worse about not stepping in when America was bullied during meetings.

So Laura held America's hands and started to speak. "I'm being nice to you because I want to be and I find your personality to be very charming. Just know you have friends and family you can count on." America shook his head at that last part and sighed out in sadness. "No I don't! Iggy hates me for the Revolution, Francy pants hates how I eat and judges my looks on a daily basis, Mattie despise me because I overshadow him when I really don't mean to and who would ever want to be friends with someone like me?" America rambled.

"Well I know for a fact that Japan and you are pretty close, Israel and you are tied at the hip and on top of that you and Italy are literally the sunshine of the world. And you have me, so don't sell yourself short. You're a great person even if you have made a few mistakes because who hasn't? None of us are perfect by a long shot and some of us have lost the love we once carried for our land and our people. You never lost that and I think some are jealous of that. Just keep your head up and don't forget who your true friends are!" After Belgium finished her speech she was pulled into a warm hug which she returned in full.

"Thank you for being my friend."
Hey guys! Any thoughts to share?

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