Belame- You Snozze You Lose

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Let's give a round of applause to the first straight couple in this book! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
"I'm tellin' you Bela, I wish I knew what I did. Those guys have been giving me hell all week and I still have no idea what I'm doing wrong." America said to the Belarusian who was sitting across from him sipping a cup of water while listening to the frustrated America intently. Sighing Belarus sat her cup on the table before intertwining her hand with America's own. "Really majo kachannie, there is nothing wrong with you. Your perfect just the way you are. Don't listen to those bastards." Belarus spoke smoothly as she rubbed the top of America's gloved hand with her thumb as she watched America start to cheer up a bit.

Seeing America happy made her feel warm inside and she treasured that feeling. You see America and Belarus had been dating for over a year after a realizing they had feelings for each other. And to think they had Russia of all people to thank for their new found relationship.

America had been on his way to meet Russia to discuss some trade agreements when he heard some arguing which he recognized as Russian and Belarusian. He turned to corner just in time to see Russia slapping Belarus point blank across the face. The female nation fell to the ground from the sudden force hitting her cheek and raised a hand to her face in shock. "B-Brother?" Belarus mumbled tremblingly with tears starting to form in her pale blue eyes.

"That's enough Belarus! Stop stalking me and leave me alone. I will never marry you! Do you hear me?! Your disgusting!" Russia snarled at the fallen Belarusian before turning his back to her and walking back into the hotel where all the nations were currently staying at for the world meeting.

America felt anger bloom in his chest and he quickly ran to the side of the crying Belarusian nation and knelt down pulling Belarus into a warm hug. Natalia cried into Alfred's chest as she returned the hug holding America close to her. "I just wanted to be close to big brother. I didn't do anything wrong! What does he not love me? Am I disgusting?" Belarus sobbed as America listened to every word she said.

"Belarus listen to me!" America pulled back slightly from the hug and gripped Natalia's shoulder causing her to look up at him. "You're an amazing person and a wonderful nation. Your not disgusting. It's Russia who's the disgusting one, I mean he slapped his own sister for no reason. What kinda brother does that?!" The American said passion and worry lacing his tone as the Belarusian felt her mouth open in shock.

Normally she would stab someone for speaking ill of her beloved big brother but this was different. Russia had lashed out at her (which he never did before) and America, of all people, was here comforting her when she needed it the most. Belarus felt a warm feeling spread across her face and looked away from the patriotic nation. What is this feeling? Is this what others call love?

No! Absolutely not! There's no way she could be in love with this rude, slef-centered, burger loving capitalist pig! But now that she was so close to America she could see how beautiful the other nation truly was. Honey blonde hair with the deepest blue eyes that remind her of the ocean. Sun kissed skin glowed in the sunlight as the ball of fire beamed down on them causing some of the light to bounce of the wire framed glasses that the American nation always wore.

Lips stretched into a bright smile that had Belarus smiling herself as she finished taking in America's features. Now she could see why everyone was always so mean to him. He was handsome and didn't even know it. "Dziakuj Amieryka" Belarus said in her native tongue and was surprised to say the least when America responded back in the same language. "Kali laska, it's a hero's job to cheer people up you know?" America tilted his head to the side and stood up from the ground.

"How about I buy you a drink and we get to know each other a little better, what do ya say?" America asked holding a hand out for the older nation which she took with a microscopic smile and held Amer--no Alfred's hand as they walked down the street towards a nearby café.

Belarus had a feeling this would be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Turns out her feeling was dead on because about three months of being friends the two nations confessed their love to one another and Belarus was over the moon knowing that her feelings were returned for once and the two became a couple.

The only problem was the other nations and what their reactions would be.

You see, America and Belarus kinda sorta didn't tell the rest of the world they were dating and they had been discussing how they were going to deliver the shocking news. Then the topic switched when Natalia asked how the last G8 meeting went. Apparently those fools had been giving her beloved a hard time. That didn't sit well with her as she had a sneaking suspicion that some of the other nations had a crush on her boyfriend.

"Yeah, thanks Nattie! You always know how to cheer me up." America said with that still present smile and leaned across the table to peck her on the cheek which caused her face to turn slightly pink.

"Alfred, I think it's time."

"Huh? Time for what?"

"To tell the others about us."

America looked a little bit nervous when he heard Belarus say that but it quickly vanished when she squeezed his hand reminding him that he wasn't alone in this. "Okay let's do it" America agreed as he and Natalia shared a small kiss before paying for their food and leaving the restaurant fully intending on tell their friends and family about their love for each other.
The world meeting room was sat in an awkward and tense silence as they couldn't start without every nation present. Two nations that were currently not present in the room were Belarus and America. America was no surprise as he was known to be late to meetings regularly, Belarus though never missed a meeting because it meant her precious brother Russia would be there.

So when the two countries walked into the room hand and hand, it was a total smack to the face, both shocking and painful. Shocking because no one had ever seen the two interact outside of business affairs and painful because the way the two looked at each other almost resembled that of a...lover's gaze.

"Everyone we have something to tell you." America said as he squeezed Belarus's hand trying to convey his nervousness to the female nation. Belarus squeezed back and they decided it was time to break the news. "We're dating!" They said in unison and they both looked around the room to see everyone's reaction. Ukraine squealed and run up to the couple enveloping them both into a big hug while saying how happy she was for the two of them and she expected nieces and nephews from them.

America stuttered at that comment as his face went red from embarrassment. Belarus told her sister that they weren't married yet and she would have to wait a little longer while she tried to help Alfred with his embarrassment.

Som of the nations looked at the couple with hate filled gazes as they looked at their intertwined hands. Well Belarus's guess had been true about some of their fellow nations having feelings for America. Natalia smirked and gripped the collar of Alfred's jacket pulling the surprised American down for a kiss. Some of the female nations cooed at the new couple while some of the male nations glared at Belarus as she broke the kiss.

She wore a smug expression on her face that simply said 'You snooze you lose'.
Hey guys! Any thoughts to share?

World's love (AmericaxWorld one-shots) (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora