Dename- Caught in the Rain

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For European_Idiot
The rain poured down relentlessly onto the streets of Seattle soaking everyone and everything that was stupid enough to be out while it was raining. America knew full well how bad the rain in Seattle was yet he still lingered in the streets using his briefcase as an umbrella. The world conference had ended about five minutes ago and America was the only one stupid enough to stay in the rain.

Since he didn't want to rent a hotel room since he was in his own state and could just stay at one of the many houses he had scattered throughout his country. America had tried to run to his house and avoid the rain but it was inevitable. America was about to give up and go somewhere else to potentially get dry when the rain suddenly stopped falling around him.

America looked up only to come face to face with a grinning Dane. "Fancy seeing you here, America." Denmark teased the other which caused America to blush with embarrassment. It was then America realized that Denmark's umbrella was shielding them both from the rain. "Uh, hi Denny?" Was all America could seem to muster up from his embarrassment.

Denmark chuckled deeply at America's obvious embarrassment but still smiled at the other blonde. "What're doing out here in this kind of weather?" The Danish man asked the American who's blush gradually started to fade as Denmark spoke. "I was trying to make it to my house but as you can see the hero kinda got caught in the rain." America explained sheepishly to the older nation.

"Where's your umbrella? I know you brought one to the meeting." Denmark commented as the duo started walking along the sidewalk. "I saw someone you needed it more than I did so I gave it to them." America smiled at the memory of it.

America had been walking out of the conference building watching as his fellow nations cursed the rain. "This is worse than Angleterre's place!" France had remarked snidely while passing by him. America didn't know if he did it on purpose or not and frankly he didn't give a shit about what France thought about his state.

America was starting to walk towards the direction of his house when he heard faint crying. America recognized it as a baby crying. America looked in the direction of the sound only to see a mother huddled under a bus stop with a toddler and holding a baby who was crying. It was clear to anyone that the mother hadn't expected it to rain and didn't have an umbrella prepared for the sudden weather.

America also saw the mother was trying to calm down the baby who was clearly upset by the thunder that came with the rain. America frowned and started walking towards the bus stop. He stopped once he was standing in front of the small family and it was then the mother of the family noticed the blonde nation.

America wordlessly extended his umbrella to the distressed mother who looked at him surprised. "Here,take it." America had said smiling at the confused women who started denying his offer. "I-I couldn't possibly--" the women stuttered her facial features shifting into a frown. "It's okay. Here." America gently grabbed the women's free hand and placed the umbrella in her grip.

"Get home safe." Was all he said before offering the women one last smile and walking off now getting soaked by the rain due to his lack of umbrella. America heard the women shout "Thank you, sir!" and just waved back before continuing to walk towards his house.

Denmark shook his head at the younger nation. "Your kindness will get you sick, Amerika." Denmark said walking towards the hotel everyone was staying in. America had no choice but to follow him to the hotel. "I don't care. That women needed it more than I did. She had kids to take care of, Matthias." America said starting to shiver from being out in out in the cold rain for so long.

"See? You're starting to get sick already, come on. We're going to my hotel room." Denmark stated intertwining his hand with the American's and started to pull towards the direction of the hotel more. "Woah. Matthias you sly dog, at least buy me dinner first~." America teased the Danish Nation who blushed furiously at what America was thinking.

"It's not like that! I just don't want you to get sick." Denmark then started speed walking towards the hotel ignoring America's smirk. Soon enough they were in front of the hotel and were walking inside ignoring the curious looks they got from the few countries who were in the lobby.

Denmark continued to drag him until they reached the older nation's room. Denmark put down the umbrella and grabbed his room key putting it in the slot until the light turned green. Denmark then opened the door dragging America in until he plopped down on the bed.

"You need to get those clothes off." Denmark said closing his umbrella and placing it in the corner of the room. America started to blush and looked like he was about to start protesting when Denmark spoke before him. "Their soaking wet. You'll get sicker then you already are." Denmark said unusually stern with his arms crossed over his chest.

America rolled his eyes and started to take off his bomber jacket. He did the same with everything until he was just in a pair of boxers. Denmark averted his eyes and grabbed some of the spare clothes he had brought with him. He shoved the clothes to America's naked chest blushing still furiously. "G-Go get changed in the bathroom." Matthias stuttered out still not looking at Alfred.

Alfred just shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the bathroom shutting the door behind him. America laid out the clothes which were a loose T-shirt and a pair of pajama pants. Alfred put the clothes on noticing that they smelled oddly like coffee and Matthias. Alfred breathed in the scent before blushing and walking out of the bathroom.

When he got to the bed Alfred saw that Denmark had already changed into his pajamas and was currently flipping through the different channels on the TV. The Dane noticed him and smiled when he saw America in his clothes. Denmark was slight wider in body structure compared to America so the shirt was a little big but the pants were fine.

"You wanna watch a movie?" Matthias asked as Alfred plopped down next to him pulling the bed covers over himself. "Sure. What'd  you wanna watch?" Alfred asked snuggling into the covers trying to return the warmth back to his body. "Nightmare On elm street?" Matthias suggested smirking knowing America didn't do well with horror films.

Alfred paled slightly but mirrored his smirk.

Hey guys! Any thoughts to share?

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