Protective!World x America- Awesome Trio Protection Squad! (Part 2)

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America woke up the next day on his couch, faintly recalling the events that happened that previous day. America groaned out of pure annoyance when he fully remembered what had happened and got up from the uncomfortable couch, walking tiredly towards his bedroom.

Just great! Now not only does he have to look over his shoulder, but he has to keep it a secret from the other nations or else he would seem weak. Heroes aren't weak! And they sure as hell don't ask for help (if he even had that option). America sighed and decided that he should just take a shower, and go for a walk as there was no world meeting that day.

America started to undress, feeling the cold air nip at his skin, making him shiver slightly as he removed his dress shirt that he had fallen asleep in undoing each button until the cloth hung around his shoulders. Throwing the shirt into the hamper in the corner of the room, America unbuttoned his pants taking them off one leg at a time (he had taken off his shoes when he got home last night). Once that was done all the younger nation was left in were red, white, and blue boxers that resembled the American flag.

Deciding to leave his boxers on until he got in the shower, Alfred exited the bedroom and into the bathroom where pristine white towels hung from the metal rack. Alfred pulled back the curtains and turned the water on, waiting for it to warm up.

After a moment, Alfred checked the water, feeling the warm liquid fall onto his hand. Deciding that the water was fine, Alfred took off his boxers and stepped into the shower. Alfred felt the warm water drip down his muscled back and he reached for the shampoo, grabbing the bottle and squeezing some onto his hands before he started massaging his scalp. After that he rinsed the substance from his head and started washing his (unknown to him, but known to everyone else) chiseled body.

After a few more minutes in the shower, America turned off the water and stepped out grabbing one of the towels, drying off his hair with it. After that he did the same thing with his arms, thighs, armpits, etc. Alfred wrapped a towel around his waist, walking out of the bathroom and to the bedroom when a knock at the door startled him.


Eyebrows furrowing, America checked the clock and notice it was seven o'clock in the morning. Who could be here this early in the morning?

The knocking continued, no matter how much the young nation tried to ignore it. Finally giving in, America gripped the towel around his waist and walked over towards the door yelling so the person (or people) on the other side could hear him.

"Hold your horses! I'm comin'!"

Alfred made his way towards the door before unlocking it and swinging it open to reveal the people on the other side. Denmark and Prussia stood there like idiots as soon as the door was opened, both of them checking out the slightly scarred, muscled chest. "Hallo(hello) Amerika! The awesome me has come to grace you vith my totally awesome presence!" Prussia declared, taking his eyes off the exposed chest and elbowing Denmark in the side making him take his eyes off the American's abs as well.

"Yeah! Me as well! Would you like to hang out?" Denmark asked trying to look America in the eyes while trying not to look at the younger nation's chest. America, oblivious as always to the eyes on his muscled torso, grinned broadly. "Sure dudes! That sounds awesome!" America agreed, opening the door fully to allow his fellow awesome trio members to enter the house.

America closed the door behind them and locked it, turning to the other two who had sat on the couch as he closed and locked the front door. "You guys make you're selfs at home! I gotta go get dressed!" America told the pair as their stomachs growled simultaneously making the American laugh. "How about I make you guys some breakfast?" America suggested as the two immediately replied with "Hell yeah!"and "Sure! If you don't mind".

World's love (AmericaxWorld one-shots) (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن