Sequel- Sort Of Not Really

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Hey guys! This is sort of a sequel to comfort buddy and it was suggested to me and requests are back open so go nuts! FiorellaTyrell suggested this! Bye!
Australia walked the halls of the world meeting building with some of his and Alfred's siblings. This included Canada, New Zealand, Seychelles, and Mexico. Normal they would all be talking and catching up with each other, but at the moment everyone was completely silent, not even a peep could be heard from the friendly nations. They had all been overwhelmed with a large sense of guilt for how they treated one of their brothers aka America aka Alfred.

It had all started out as good natured joking with the occasional teasing here and there, but things got out of hand really quick. Cuba, Russia, North Korea, and a few other nations had taken the teasing too far making sure that it happened almost every world meeting. And you guys know what the worse part was?

They did nothing to stop it.

Sure they would stare at their younger brother with pity and sympathy, but other then that they didn't do anything to help him. They didn't ask him if he was ok, they didn't tell him not to believe the words he heard, they didn't even try to do anything. And now it came back to bite them in the ass because Alfred had run out of the meeting in tears and was probably somewhere in the building crying his eyes out with no one by his side.

"Il tuo bel.."

The former colonies were about to turn the corner when Australia's ears picked up an Italian accent around said corner and signaled his siblings to remain quiet. The island nation turned the corner just in time to see a certain southern Italian steal his brother's first kiss and gripped the wall as he saw this action.

It was clear that Romano had found the American first and had apologized before anyone else got to him. That pissed the Australian off immensely and he turned to his siblings, who looked confused at the rage filled look on their brother's face, and waved them over to look around the corner.

Once they also saw the older Italian nation taking advantage of one of their youngest family members, their faces matched Australia's almost immediately. Even the ever so calm Canada looked like he was about to slaughter the half nation for touching his younger, innocent brother.

They were about to jump in and pulled him away from Romano, but the two separated before they could even make a move. They saw America was blushing so bright that his face could be confused with a tomato and the older nation grin wolfishly at the face, effectively making Australia want to tear him in half.

Then Romano began to speak.

"You idiot! Don't-a listen to them or anyone else! Your beautiful-a and perfect in every way, those bastards are just lovesick fools who can't express their feelings properly!" The Italian scowled then hugged the quivering America, rubbing soothing circles on the others back. Romano's words were that of truth and love that so many wished to show to the American, but were to cowardly to do. It's kind of ironic that one of the most cowardly nations had the courage to do it.

"Romano I--" America tried to reply to the statement, but was soon shushed and pulled into another passion filled kiss. What surprised the former colonies the most was that America kissed back this time and gripped the smaller nation's shoulders. Canada also saw the older nation's hands slide down the American's back until they found his butt and groped the soft cheeks firmly in his hands.

Everyone was beyond rage right now as they heard America squeak at sudden touch and saw the two pull apart after about a few minutes. "Listen, any time you need someone to talk to just come see me..." Romano paused to peck Alfred on the lips before finishing his sentence, "..........I love you, Alfred"

America clearly looked confused by the declaration and just said, "Awww I love you too, Roma!"

That snapped them out of whatever trance they were in and Australia stepped out of the shadows and pulled the American away from the Italian. America gasped and turned around only to come face to face with his little brother.

"Australia?! How long have you been there?!" America asked with a major blush on his face and eyes widened in shock. Romano scowled at the interruption and looked to see who interfered with the moment only to come face to face with a sharp glare and a hockey stick to the throat. "Don't touch my Brother!" Canada snarled as he pressed his stick to the angry Italian's throat. "We've been here long enough for that bastard to steal your first kiss! What the bloody hell happened here?" Australia asked though he already knew the answer, he just wanted to see what Alfred would say.

"Romano was just being my friend and comforting me! And isn't kiss how Europeans greet each other?" America looked so confused at the questioning while everyone sighed in relief at their American's innocence for once. "Wait that wasn't a greeting?" Alfred asked still confused about the whole situation. Australia shook his head and sighed the oblivious that only America seemed to possess.

"No, it wasn't a bloody greeting." Australia told Alfred causing the freedom nation to tilt his head to the side in curiosity. "Then what was it?" America asked his baby blue eyes filled with curiosity and child like wonder. Before Australia could reply, Romano broke free from the Canadian's hold and stared at Alfred like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You thought that was a fucking greeting?! I even grabbed your ass and you still thought it was a stupid greeting?! You fat bastard!" Romano yelled furiously and America felt tears prick the corners of his eyes.

"I'm. Not. Fat!"

"That's enough!" Seychelles sudden shouted causing everyone to stop and turn to her. "Your no longer involved in this European! This is a family matter!" With that the younger nation signaled her brothers over and began to walk away, knowing they would follow her. Australia, who was still holding Alfred, switched positions and started carrying his older brother princess style before following his fellow former colonies towards the doors, leaving Romano to gape in shock at what just happened.

Everyone was sitting in the hotel lobby, basking in their own guilt and self pity. They had all given up on looking for America and were now waiting for the American to come back from wherever the hell he ran off to.

Then Australia came in with America in his arms (after crying so much America had fallen asleep), followed by New Zealand, Canada, Seychelles, and Mexico. France saw them first and waltzed up to them gracefully, not seeing the glares they were giving him and everyone else in the room. "Mon chéris (my darlings)~ so glad you found---" France cut himself off when he finally noticed the glares that the group dawned.

"Sorry papa, but this no longer concerns you--" Canada turned to the rest of the world before continuing, "----any of you. This is a family matter now and we don't consider you family." Canada's cold words struck France and England right in their selfish hearts. They didn't think of them as family? They had raised the boys and were hurt by that statement.

Everyone started protesting as the group left the building, Mexico staying in the back of the group to flip the others off as they left.

What the actual hell just happened?!

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