Rusamechu- A Little Riddle

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America sat in his office, currently writing down some notes about trading agreements with Russia and China. There was one thing he hated more than paperwork was the communist nations that seemed to infect the world, at first America never had a problem with the choice of government he honestly could careless. But his bosses had drilled it into head that communism was an evil that had to be wiped off the face of the earth. By any means necessary.

America groaned and was about to drift into thought about the past (which was never good for any nation, ever), but then heard a knock on the hard wood door, and yelled, "It's open!". He expected it to be his secretary with more paperwork from his boss, but to his surprise it was Belarus.

"Oh, hi Belarus what brings ya hear?" America asked curiosity obviously present in his tone as the Slavic nation sat herself down on one of the comfortable leather chairs, smirk ever so present on her face. "I have come here on the behalf of big brother as he is busy with China right now.."

The Belarusian explained still smirking and America was starting to freak out because that was the same smile she wore when she was hunting down Russia like a wild animal. Shaking his head, blond locks moving with it as he picked up the paperwork for Russia and handed the sheets to the women.

"Ah thank you Amerika, if you don't mind me asking, what is the relationship between you, brother, and China?" Belarus inquired confusing the American a little bit. "What relationship? They're nothing more than allies and trade partners, why?" America answered as Belarus crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him with a thoughtful look in her blue-violet eyes. Did Belarus think he was going to steal Russia from her? God he hoped not!

"Do you think they could ever be more than that~?" The platinum blonde nation suddenly questioned startling America a little bit. "Ya mean like friends? I don't see that happening any time soon 'cause ya know they kinda hate my guts." America said looking at the Belarusian, wondering what point she was getting at. Belarus decided to take pity on the oblivious American and gave him the answer in the form of a riddle.

"I'll tell you this America, I can be blind, I can be powerful, I can be difficult, deep, complicated, and tender at the same time. What am I?" Belarus riddle confused America and he tried to figure out the answer to it. "That is the emotion my brother and China feel towards you and you alone" Before America could get another word in Belarus exited the study papers in hand, leaving behind a really confused American.

As America lay in bed his mind drifted off to Belarus's cryptic riddle and tried to come up with a answer. As he tossed and turned one answer came into his head that made him fall out of the bed.


The answer was love?!

What the hell! How could two nations he hate and know they hate him be in love with him? America pondered on this as he got back into bed and slipped under the covers the warmth seeping into his golden skin. Before sleep consumed him, America had unanimously decided to talk to the two nations after the meeting tomorrow.

After the meeting and after everyone had left America requested to speak with Russia and China, who were both surprised that the American wanted to speak with them outside of the meeting.

Once they were all in a empty meeting room, America popped the question.

"Sooooo are you dudes uh, like in love with me?" America asked hoping it was all just some cruel prank and that the two were just playing with his feelings. America's rather blunt questioned startled the pair causing them to blush like children who had just been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Well no point in denying it.

"Yes, aru"

"Da, Amerika"

The both of them answered at the same causing America to blush at the sudden confession from the two people he least expected. What was America supposed to say back? I love you? Sorry I don't feel the same? America didn't know what he felt towards the pair as a mere few days ago America thought they hated his capitalist guts.

America was pulled back to reality when a pair of large hands rested on his hips and he was pulled to a rock hard chest. China then appeared in front of him and put his hands over Russia's also holding his hips. America blushed darkly at the contact he received and pressed himself against the Russian behind him as the Chinese man kissed him deeply on the lips causing the American to kiss him back with just as much passion. He realized that he loved the two and was not going to let the past keep him from having a happy future.

Russia kissed his neck, leaving small love bites on the tan skin as the ancient nation in front of him cupped his cheek gently, licking the younger's surprisingly soft lips. Alfred moaned and opened his mouth swirling Yao's tongue with his own, screaming when he felt the Russian behind him play with his cowlick.

When air became a need the kiss was broken and America let his head fall back to the clothed chest behind him. "I love you guys too" America muttered sleepily rubbing his half livid eyes with a gloved hand making the two nations silently squeal at his cuteness.

The trio happily snuggled together and fell asleep, forgetting they were in the meeting room.

Belarus smiled slightly at the new couple and closed the meeting room door quietly, still smiling to herself. All she ever wanted was for her big bother to be happy and she finally got her wish even if he was happy without her by his side.

And all it took together the ball rolling was a simple love riddle!

Hey guys! Hope you all enjoyed! This was requested by FiorellaTyrell they're an awesome writer and person, so please check out there stories of you can! Don't forget to request and comment! Bye guys!

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