A Party To Remember (Part 3)

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America resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the smirking Cuban who sat down in the seat next to him. "¿Qué pasa bastardo Americano?" Cuba sneered at the American as said American just stared at the table in front of him resisting the urge to punch it and the Cuban beside him. "Que esta mal ¿No sabes español, cerdo?" Cuba asked smirking at the patriotic nation who's hands clenched into fists. Canada was about knock Cuba in the face with his hockey stick and Australia was going to let him as the Cuban  continued to insult their brother. However they all froze when they heard America speak.

"Yo sí sé español, simplemente no me importa." America retorted casually not seeing the dumbstruck looks on Canada's, Australia's, Cuba's, and everyone else who heard him speak faces. America then saw nearly everyone in the room looking at him with awestruck looks and raised an eyebrow in question. "What's the matter dudes?"America asked confusion written on his face. "Since when did you know Spanish, Al?" Canada questioned hugging his bear to his chest.

"Who're you?" Kumajiro asked looking up at the Canadian who looked down at the bear annoyed. "I'm Canada, your owner!" Canada huffed before turning his attention back to America. "Since like a couple centuries duh!" America replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "How many other languages do you know?" Denmark asked excitedly pushing Cuba out of the chair before sitting himself in the chair ignoring the glare sent in his direction.

"Most of the, except for a few ancient dialects that don't exist anymore." America answered and it was then they all remembered the nasty things they'd said behind the American's back in their native languages. The revaluation that he knew what they were saying for at least a few centuries had a more than a few of them bowing their heads in shame. Before anyone else could apologize the BTT bursted through the door carrying an unconscious Finland and Sweden (actually Prussia and Spain were dragging the Swedish man by the feet).

"Alright all you unawesome losers! Let's get this party started." Prussia proclaimed dropping Sweden's foot and marched to the front of the room. Some gathered to the front in excitement while others reluctantly moved to the front sitting down on whatever they could get. "Okay so first ve're going to play a game of truth or dare--" Prussia was interrupted by the various groans from the nations sitting in front of him. "We're too old for that, wanker! It's a child's game anyway..." England scoffed looking not pleased that he was here instead of at home sipping his favorite earl grey tea.

"As I vas saying---" Prussia paused to glare at the crowd in front of him before continuing. "Ve'll start with a game of truth or dare and go from there, sound good?" Before anyone could so much utter a reply Prussia clapped his hands together in happiness. "Awesome! Now everyone get in a circle and the game can begin." Prussia nodded gesturing for everyone to get in a circle. Everyone complied suddenly interested to see what the European had in mind.

Once Prussia saw everybody besides himself, Sweden, and Finland sitting in the circle he walked over to the Finnish Man shaking him awake. Finland slowly opened his eyes and started looking around in panic until he saw everyone else was there including his Swede. Sweden woke up on his own ready to punch Prussia in the face for kidnapping him and his wife but was calmed down by Tino. Prussia, now a little scared because of Sweden's glare, gestured for the couple to join the circle.

Finland sat next to America with Sweden sitting beside the Finnish man smiling at younger who just smiled back. Prussia wedged himself between France and Spain smirking at the countries around him before pulling out an empty wine bottle. "Alright so this is how this is going to vork I place this bottle in the middle and spin it. Whoever it lands on has to either pick truth or dare. You can't back out of anything so be prepared." Prussia explained a mischievous tone in his voice.

Prussia placed the bottle on its side in the middle before spinning it.

The bottle spun for a bit then proceeded to land on....

Hey guys! Sorry it's so short, any thoughts to share?

World's love (AmericaxWorld one-shots) (COMPLETED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt