NorAmeIce- A Guy Worth Fighting For

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For YaretzyEsparza
Iceland glared at Norway from across the table his glare full of emotions that normally wouldn't be seen on his face. Norway was well aware of his glare and returned it fully his gaze just as fierce as Iceland's own. Iceland broke the glaring contest to look over at a certain American Personification who was talking with a few of his allies.

Iceland felt himself blush slightly as America noticed his staring and sent a smile his way. The Icelander could feel Norway's glare in the back but he could careless. He was just happy his crush looked at him. Yeah that's right, Iceland had a crush on America. Iceland wasn't sure when these feelings started to form but he guessed it they started about maybe two-three years ago.

The conference had been held in Iceland's capital, Reykjavík, so that meant Iceland was running the meeting. Not much got done though because of the usual chaos that the world meeting caused. Iceland didn't really want to get involved with the chaos so he had just sat at his seat reading a book about hot springs with Puffin sitting on his shoulder.

Iceland had been so focused on his book that he hadn't noticed the chair flying towards him. Just as the chair was about to hit the unsuspecting Icelander someone had stuck their arm out in front of him effectively cutting the chair in half with one fail swoop. Iceland had looked up as had felt a few shards on the chair get on his clothes but not seriously injuring him, same with Puffin. What had really gotten Emil thought was America standing there with his now bloodied arm.

"You okay?" America had asked the Icelander who had been starring at him with widened eyes or more specifically his mangled arm. "Y-Yeah, are you?" Iceland had stuttered out shocked that America had stopped him from getting hurt. "Yeah I'm fine dude." Alfred had answered smiling brightly at Emil who had felt a blush coming onto his face. "But your arm.." Emil had said pointing at Alfred's injured arm.

"It's fine dude. I'll patch it up later." America tried to reassure the Icelander who wasn't convinced at all and proceeded to grab America's non injured arm then started dragging him towards the meeting room doors. He ignored America's obvious protests opening the doors to the conference room and guided (dragged) America towards the medical area that was set up just incase a nation got hurt during a meeting.

"Iceland, you really don't need to-" America was cut off by Iceland who shushed him and sat him down on the cot that had been laid out. "It's okay, America. Think of it as a thank you for saving me from that chair." Iceland said before going over to where the first aid kit was kept. He opened the cabinet pulling out the first aid kit before shutting it and walking back towards America.

Emil sat on the chair beside the bed opening the kit to grab some gauze, disinfectant, a few bandaids, and a needle and some thread as Alfred watched him. When Emil finally had everything he needed he set the kit on the end table near the bed where Puffin was sitting and grabbed Alfred's injured arm only to have the American pull back in pain.

"I can't take care of it if you won't let me see it." Emil stated seriously causing Alfred to sigh and pull up his sleeve exposing his wound. A slightly long jagged gash ran across Alfred's arm making Emil gasp in shock at the extent of his injury. "How long were you going to wait until you patched it up?" Emil asked his expression telling Alfred not to lie to him.

"'Til after the meeting..." Alfred muttered just loud enough for Emil to hear and he did. "The meeting ends in two hours, Alfred." Emil pointed out only to realize he had said America's human name. Without his permission. Calling a nation by their human name was a great offense unless you were given permission to do so especially to a powerful nation like America. "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to-." Emil was cut off when America smiled and patted on the back with his non injured arm.

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