drive: reddie

817 19 22

tw ! parental abuse

eddie's p.o.v

" richie i cannot believe you just stole that!" i shrieked, fighting back the upwards tug on my lollipop stained lips as i gently slapped richie's toned forearm. i couldn't help but cast a backwards glance at mr. keene's shop, half expecting him to be standing there shaking his fist and screaming profanities. i was relieved to see an empty street, that was slowly disappearing the further richie drove. it both worried me, and calmed me immensely, that richie was so good at shoplifting.

" it's fine eds: he's not gonna miss it." richie grinned, keeping his obsidian eyes on the road and one hand on the wheel, as the other crept down into his jeans pocket. i couldn't help but let a giggle bubble from my chest as he waved a pack of cigarette's in my face. i scrunched up my nose and turned away, and although i acted disgruntled my grin said otherwise. richie chuckled, slipping the box back into his pocket, as both his hands returned to the wheel.

" those things are gonna kill you one day rich." i said, still giddy with adrenaline but a little scared all the same. richie shot me a sideways glance, guilt flashing in his eyes before he cleared his throat and painted on a grin.

" relax eds. somethin' 'ill kill me long before the smokes get a chance to."

" don't say that." i said, smiling reassuringly. he smiled contently back, and i could tell he felt as happy as i was, as his right hand left the wheel and reached out to take mine. i beamed from ear to ear, entwining our fingers and giving a gentle squeeze. " i'll keep you safe." i said, giggling at the absurd prospect of me trying to keep richie safe. that boy lived on the edge, threw caution to the wind at every chance he got. but i'd try just the same.

" thanks eds." he smirked, stopping at a red light. he turned to the side, his dark eyes magnified behind his specs, held together by old yellow tape. he shot me a crooked smile, reaching over and pulling the lollipop that i'd been sucking on out of my mouth. we both simultaneously leaned closer, both giving quiet airy laughs as our noses bumped, before our lips slotted together. i felt his free hand move to cup my jaw and deepen the kiss, before he pulled away. the light had gone green.

we were headed back to richie's place. he had plans to run inside and grab a bottle of liquor ( of course it was liquor, not something romantic. like cupcakes. or ice cream. or you know, something that didn't taste like vomit. ) before heading to the quarry to sit under the stars. although once richie's lips would meet the liquor bottle we both very well knew that we wouldn't be looking at the stars, more like the stars on the backs of our eyelids, cause he'd be preoccupied sucking my face. liquor makes me extra loving, richie always told me. although i felt like the more appropriate word was horny.

i was pulled out of my thought when richie's smirk returned, his left hand on the wheel as his right toyed with my cherry lollipop. i watched him cast me a sideways glance, to insure that i was watching, before he popped the candy in between his chapped lips. i gasped.

" richie! now i can't eat that anymore!" i cried, smacking his bicep repeatedly with my little palms. richie chuckled, swatting my hands away, our laughs filling the truck. he pulled the candy from his lips, keeping his dark eyes on the road as he waved the candy in front of my face. i gagged, swiping the sticky snack from his hand. i cranked the old grimy passenger seat window down, tossing the candy out onto the road.

" your loss eds. it would've tasted like richie, a little preview for later." he shot me a wink, making me scoff and roll my eyes as our obnoxiously laughter echoed around us. i loved those moments; the sun setting, windows rolled down, the whole neighbourhood hearing our giggles of glee and stupid happiness. there was nothing but the two of us. " alright we're here. i'll be back in a jiff." richie planted a soft kiss to my lips, making me sigh, before he hoped out of the truck.

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