Mornings: Byler

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please please please, i started writing this book over a year ago. some of my old oneshots are hoRribly written and have horrendous plots. so PLEASE skip until some of my later works. i think the shots when i stop using uppercase letters are a lot more well written ( you can tell if they're in lowercase based on the titles! )so i'd recommend reading those first!

Wills P.O.V:
" Seriously though, math will be the death of me." Max said as I pulled up infront of our local coffee shop. Max and I both had the morning shift, meaning I'd be giving her a ride since her car got taken away. She got caught speeding, and her stepdad was not having that.

I pulled into an empty parking space by the front, the parking lot being empty since it wasn't even 7:00am yet. I turned off the ignition, opening the car door and stepping out of my silver minivan. It was one of our family cars: not the coolest thing to be driving, like Max's Ferrari, but not the worst. I reached into my pocket, digging out my old iPhone 5c and opening up my chat with mom ❤️. I texted her that I had arrived safely at work. I hated how she still babied me: needing to make sure her 18 year old son who had already graduated high school was capable of getting himself to work after he'd been doing it for almost a year now. Max chatted to me about how awful her all girls school was as we approached the coffee shop. Max was a year younger then me, although she was probably a head taller then me. Max and I were the only ones working today, our boss having learnt to trust us, so I took out the keys and unlocked the coffee shops doors.

The bell above the door tinkled as we walked inside. I clicked on the power, the lights slowly turning on and illuminating the small coffee shop. The front and side was intierly made up of glass, so it was already pretty bright in here since the sun had started to rise. Max and I went around the counter and grabbed our aprons, sliding them on over our regular clothes. Max sat on the counter, her long fiery hair swinging by her sides as she continued ranting about her math class. I scanned the counters, checking to make sure everything was in order, since Max clearly wasn't gonna do it. My phone buzzed in the pocket of my skinny jeans, and I pulled it out since no customers were here yet. My mom had sent me a little heart emoji. I slipped my phone back in my pocket, not bothering to answer since I didn't really know what to say to that. Parents and their emojis.

The bell above the door jingled as our first customer came in. Max jumped off the counter and stood in front of her cash register. I took the order, made the drink and sent her on her way. It didn't take long for the small building to become packed. I didn't mind though: I liked distractions from the time. It made shifts go by faster. There was soon a fairly long line of people and most of our seats were taken. Max and I guided them to either her cash register or hers. Once, Max had a customer at hers and I had just finished making my last drink. I gave it to the older man, returning to my cash register and signalling the next customer over. I gulped, smiling widely at the peculiar boy in front of me.

His appearance was quite different: a mass of unruly dark curls atop of his head. He had large dark circles under his eyes and stubble on his chin. His hands were shoved deep into the pockets of his grey hoodie, his long jeans flaring at the ankles. He looked exhausted. I wondered what he was doing up this early on a Sunday morning.

" Morning! What can I get you?" I said cheerily, hovering my hands above the keyboard. I was never grumpy or rude towards the customers, but I was being extra perky towards him. I felt bad. He looked pretty rough.

" UmmM..." his voice cracked and he coughed loudly. " can I get a Large Dark Coffee? Shot of espresso please?" He said, his voice scratchy. He must be sick. I smiled brightly, nodding. I grabbed a large paper cup, looking back into his chocolate brown eyes. My heart sped up a little.

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