fists: stenbrough

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stan's p.o.v:

the front door slammed shut with the loudest of BANGS and i was up in an instant. i appeared in front of the door, my eyes ablaze with furry. bill was over an hour late home from work, and i was almost pitch black outside by then. " bill where the hEll were y-"

my words got caught in my throat as a fly gets caught in a venus flytrap: suddenly and unexpectedly. bill's knuckles had purple and yellow bruises flourishing on the soft flesh. his palms were coated in crimson red, my face paling dramatically at the sight of blood. his entire body was trembling as if an earthquake had struck our humble abode. tears trekked down his bruised cheeks. " b-bill... holy shit what-what happened?!"

but bill didn't seem to want to answer, as he was already pushing past me, his bloodied hands leaving red handprints on my new white dress-shirt. i gasped quietly, looking down at the alarming amount of the thick red substance that was printed on me. i forced my neat freak self to snap out of it, looking at bill's back as he stormed into the house. i ran after him.

i was met abruptly with a bathroom door being slammed in my face, bill locking himself in on the other side. i jumped back, the sudden silence in the house sickly and giving me the need to vomit. i held it back, however, and raised my hands to the glossy oak bathroom door.

" bill! bill open this goddamn door!" i cried, pounding my clenched fists against the smooth wood. silence from the other end, which only made my banging get harder. " BILL!" i cried, my voice cracking from the intensity of my yell. my fists pounded against the wood, as if i was trying to break it from its metal hinges.

the sight of all the blood on bill's hands. the sight of the tears spilling from his eyes. the sight of the tremble taking over his body. the sight of the bruises littering his usually flawless complexion. it fuelled my will, willing me to pound my fists against the wood and scream bill's name until i simply couldn't any longer.

i pressed my palms flat again the door, heaving desperately for air. my throat stung after having yelled so loudly and so consistently, the taste of blood making its way to my tongue. my set my forehead against the door, the only audible sounds my quiet sniffles and ragged breaths.

" bill... please." i said hoarsely, my plead barely audible. i sniffled loudly, tears stinging my eyes behind my clenched eyelids. my lips inched apart, a quiet broken sob leaving my throat. i slowly turned away from the door, sinking to the floor with my back flat against the door.

i curled up into a ball, shaky sobs leaving my trembling lips. i hugged my knees to my chest, as i rocked back and fourth a little. " bill." i mumbled brokenly, tears tumbling down my splotchy cheeks.

after hours in front of the door with no response, i let exhaustion take me whole.


i was awoken to the sound of a clicking doorknob, and the feeling of loss of pressure on my back. i whimpered quietly, my eyes sticky with dry tears fluttering open. i blinked a few times, sniffling quietly, as i tried to remember anything from before i fell asleep.

" st-stanny?" bill asked softly, appearing in front of me. i sniffled loudly, my puffy eyes looking up at him. he looked terrible, the worst i'd ever seen him. red lines rimmed his swollen eyes, dried tear stains that i'm sure were symmetrical to mine staining his bruised cheeks. his auburn hair was messy atop his head. and i saw blood had by then soaked through the front of his shirt.

" bill?" i asked, my voice hoarse with sleep as i struggled into a sitting position. it appeared at some point during my slumber, i'd fallen to my side on the cold tile floor. my back ached from the uncomfortable snooze. " w-what happened?" i asked, rubbing my puffy eyes with balled fists.

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